Øde tø Sleep

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What a peaceful neverland.
Far away from this cruel world we call our home.
But we are made of shattered minds and broken souls.
We were born into this merciless land,
Tossed to the condescending nature of society.
Forced to scrape up our hapless selves
Every night, after a battle has been fought.
The lull before the storm.
A peaceful place.
But to get there, we must combat our fitful brains.
A battle, a war, a fight,
All for a few quiet moments suspended in time.
What a beautiful nightmare.
We scream, we thrash about, we sob.
Because even those golden strands of a silken time
Can be poisoned by our demons...
Alchemists of a different kind.
Let our sad souls be at peace once and for all.
Eternal slumber.

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