Chapter One

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"Pony, give it back!" I squealed as I tried to get my mascara back from my twin brother.

"No." He chuckled as he stretched his arm up higher. I was short, don't judge.

Getting tired of his games I jumped on his back and tackled him to the ground. I snatched my mascara out of his hand and ran to my bedroom.

Our small house had three bedrooms and since Darry was the oldest and I was the only girl we got rooms to ourselves, leaving Ponyboy and Sodapop to share a room.

I sighed and applied my mascara. The only makeup I ever wore.

"Breakfast is ready!" Darry called from downstairs. I ran out of the room and down the steps shoving Pony out of the way.

I grabbed some pancakes and chocolate cake and went outside onto the porch. I ate my breakfast in peace, enjoying the fresh air.

"Ally, wanna go see Soda?" Pony asked coming outside.

"Sure. Give me a second." I rushed inside and dumped the dirty dishes in the sink. Okay, sure it was mine and Ponys turn to do the dishes but I'd do it later. Maybe...

Pony and I set off down the road to the DX store where Sodapop worked. Suddenly Johnny popped into my head.

"Hey, where's Johnnycake?"

"No idea. Wanna stop at his place on the way?" Pony ran his fingers through his greased hair.

"Yeah." I pursed my lips and wanted to slap myself when I could feel my anxiety kicking in. "I hate the thought of him at his folks place. They don't deserve someone as great as Johnny. They're so cruel to him for no damn reason!" I huffed in anger.

"I hate it too but there's not much we can do about it." Pony sighed.

"Pony! Ally!" We heard a voice from behind us. We looked behind to see Steve running up to us. Steve was Sodas best friend. He wasn't to fond of Pony for whatever reason but he said I dug okay.

"Hey Steve." I smiled at him as he caught up with us.

"Going to see Soda?" He asked.

"Yeah but we're going to check on Johnny first." I glanced at Pony to see him walking ahead, his fists jammed in his jean pockets.

"Might as well tag along." Steve shrugged and stuck his hand in his pocket. "Want a weed?"

"Always." I smirked and took the cigarette from Steve. I lit it up and took a long drag.

"Ponyboy. Want one?" Steve asked in obvious distaste. I knew Pony had noticed it but he wasn't going to turn down his offer.

Johnnys house came into view and I opened the metal fence to walk into the yard. Just as I stepped into the yard the front door burst open and out came Johnnycake.

"Hey Johnny. We were just about to go get you." I smiled at him but that smile faded when he shoved past me not even bothering to glance at me. I could practically feel my heart shattering.

I put a fake smile on my face and the four of us walked to the DX to see Soda.

"Sodapop gettin' all the ladies." I giggled shaking my head as girls swarmed my brother.

"That's Soda for ya." Steve smirked and ran up to his buddy.

"Hey, Johnny. Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked as Pony followed closely behind Steve.

Johnny surprisingly followed me back outside and to the side of the building. I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jean jacket and looked at the ground.

"Are you okay?" I asked cautiously. Believe it or not, Johnny was quite rude to me. The rare moments he would speak to me it was usually rude and snarky comments.

"Yeah." He replied simply. I wanted to slap him and kiss him at the same time.

"Did your dad hit you again?" I asked slowly reaching my hand up to his face. He flinched and I pulled my hand away but at that moment I noticed his purple and blue eye.

"I can handle it." Johnny growled at me giving me a hateful glare.

"Why don't you like me Johnny?" I asked close to tears. "What'd I ever do to you? Nothing! That's what! Absolutely nothing! Yet, you still treat me like crap. What's the deal, huh?" I snapped. I was so sick of being treated like trash. He had no reason to treat me that way.

"I-I... U-uh." Johnny stuttered clearly surprised by my outburst. I was tired of being pushed around by him. I loved him so much it hurt but he didn't feel the same so I just had to move on.

I huffed and stalked off into the DX.

"Hey kid sister." Sodapop greeted me with a grin spread across his face.

"Hey Sodapop." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked turning serious. I almost laughed at him.

"Johnny." I whispered as I heard Johnny walk into the store.

"I oughta shake some sense into that boy." Soda grumbled.

"It's fine." I hugged my brother. "I can handle myself."

"Okay well, let me know if I need to whoop his ass." Soda grinned his usual happy grin and I couldn't help but smile at him. His grin could cheer anybody up in a second.

"Get me a pack of cigarettes?" I smiled sheepishly at him.

"I don't like you smoking. You know that." Pony butted into our conversation.

"To bad. It's tough and calming." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I got you kid." Soda said ruffling Ponys hair.

"Steve. You sticking around here or comin with us?" I asked as Soda passed me a pack of cigarettes.

"Watch Soda flirt with girls or hangout with three kids?" Steve tapped his chin.

"Okay, I get it. Let's go back to the house." I shook my head at him.

Ponyboy, Johnny, Steve and I left the DX waving goodbye to Sodapop and we headed back to mine and Ponys place.

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