Kiyomi fujiwara

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Whole mansion was decorated in traditional Japanese way; the Fujiwara family was going to celebrate the victory brought by the proud son and heir of 'fujiwara' clan, one of the topmost noble clans in soul society. He had fought bravely in battle field to defend the soul society form vicious armyadjucas leading hollows and menos. Every shinigami was praising him the other day. Today the clan head, the father of the boy has decided to make important decision of handing over the responsibilities of the title if 'the Head of the Clan' to his son. The sun was low on the horizon, celebration was about to start, everybody was busy, the maids and servants were preparing for feast and other task related to hthe celebration and all people in house were helping each other to complete the tasks allotted to them and mansion was alive getting more and more crowded with each guest arriving to celebrate the victory.

In the top most floor, in the balcony outside the room to very right side, a girl was sitting on her chair watching all busy people rushing around....and thinking , 'if only I were a man, I would be sharing my brother's excitement of battle field and the glory'. Unlike other girls from noble families, Kiyomi, was very interested in achieving the fighting skills the shinigamis had, their powers and their work of keeping seireitie in peace was all she ever wanted to do, if only she had been born as a man or born in a normal family instead of one of the most prestigious noble clan in whole soul society, her fate would be different. Kiyomi was blessed with naturally powerful and tremendous amount of reiastu due to her being in noble clan member. Her father has always allowed her learning the fighting skills and the use of kido from various tutors who regularly taught her in the family's private training grounds. She has been training with Eita, her brother and sometimes her father also used to teach her, but that was not enough. She wanted to have adventures in her life, thrills and unexpected battles which would test her skills for real, she wanted to become a shinigami, wanted to have a 'zanpakutou', she wanted...........




The train of her thoughts was derailed by a soft voice of her maid named Soura. She raven haired, petite girl, with big violet eyes and soft voice, who also had become her friend over years while she was serving Kiyomi.

"Kiyomi-sama, your presence has been requested..." she couldn't complete her sentence as Kiyomi's cousin sister along with her friend came barging in the room. Sitting on couch and playing with her hair and the hair ornaments, looking in her reflection in mirror, setting some bangs in place she started talking excitedly to Kiyomi without ever sparing her a glance "Mi-san! Father and uncle are going to announce Eita onii-san[brother] as The Head of the clan. Do you know about it yet? My mother told me! Isn't that amazing?"

"Yes, I am very happy for Onii-san and I am happy to see you too, sister" Kiyomi said smiling slightly.

"Whoooooo, you look beautiful!! You know your fan-club members are going faint seeing you like ......C'mon...tell there anybody you like!...have you chosen any suitor yet!!"

Soura was feeling very uneasy seeing the cousin was babbling about stuff that Kiyomi was not even least bit interested in, moreover it was important for them to get ready for the celebration and Kiyomi was not even wearing the Kimono specially made to be worn for the celebration exactly as her mother wanted her to. Kiyomi understood her unspoken words and Soura's uneasiness. She said, "Soura, its ok. Just put thekenseikan in place and help put the jewelry and I would be ready in minutes."

Soura knew that her mother would not be pleased seeing her like this but the time was the enemy, she did as she was ordered to and they headed down for the celebration.

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