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Kiyomi was happy to have a life of a shinigami, her days in Gotei 13 were as normal as that of her fellow shinigami. She continued training to achieve perfection in shinigami fighting skills. She was a good student and very hard worker. She had a few fights against hollows of her own in rukongai area to be proud about, she had showed no mercy to hollows and defeated them with ease, she even had fought huge hollow and won. Days in squad 8 were cheerful and she had become close friend of lisa, Vice-captain of 8 th division and also found a new little girl as a friend named Nanao Ise. Those three girls were like sisters, always together if not been separated by their duties. Kiyomi has been spending lot of time outside the mansion as amount of her work and number of her friends had increased considerably. Few things remained same though, she always found time for the close ones, Yoruichi san, Byakuya san, Kisuke kun, Soi fon, Soura along with Ukitake san and her Shunsui-nii-san.

In squad 8 barracks

Kiyomi had just returned from a two-day mission in the world of the living.

Kiyomi's POV

"Kiyomi-san, you just have returned form mission, just relax a bit. You look tired. You can take the rest day off today! There is not much work as it is and it's almost evening so no need to wright report now, you now" Shu-nii-san said , he was gawking at the wine bottle in his hand when I glanced at him.

"Thanks Shu-Nii san but it's better to write reports when it's fresh, I would just complete these and deliver them to Sou Taichou's office and finish my task one and for all." I said while writing the report. 'I always felt uncomfortable if some work is kept pending, it would keep me feel uneasy and I would never be able to relax if I keep it for later. It's not my way of doing things.'

"Stubborn as always, aren't we?" lisa-chan teased and we all laughed. 'It is always easy when these two are around', I thought.

I was writing the report and sitting on chair near my desk and Shu-Taichou was sitting on couch in the reading reports I have written so far and lisa-chan was looking for a book in the book shelf near my desk.

Suddenly the door opened with soft swing and we all tuned our heads in the direction form where light and strong wind came through to find Ukitake-san entering the office without a knock. 'He never does that, how come he just barged in! Something is wrong with him! He is always so polite and happy but he seems gloomy today! No, in fact he is been like this for a while now? Is he ill? Yeah! Definitely, he looks ill and pale'

"So, here you are Shunsui! I went to your office looking for you" He said in tired voice and then looked at me and smiled, it was forced smile, or at least I thoughts so,

"I see, you have return from the world of the living Kiyomi san, how was your first mission in The real World?" he tried to sound enthusiastic but his voice didn't help it.

"It was good, living world is such an interesting place Ukitake-san. I really loved it and the mission was simple really. I did enjoy my stay there. Buy you, Ukitake san, look pale, are you all right?" I asked worried.

"I am fine dear; I just recovered from another of those sessions of coughing fits, no need to worry!" he said closing his eye while he talked.

"I don't believe they haven't found the cure yet! Why have not you tried to search for a cure in the World of living" I said, I was pissed. We had whole division of medical experts and he still was as ill and exhausted as ever.

"There is no cure, Just let it go Kiyomi san. I would not want to talk about it now. Please." He said while walking towards couch so as to sit beside Onii san but stopped and looked at me when I said,

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