Weird day

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Days passed by very fast for Kiyomi as she was learning to uncover the truth of her zanpakutou, she indeed has materialized it and trained for finding out the name of her soul slayer. Her schedule became hectic for more training was required. Byakuya and Kiyomi kept seeing each other on weekends sometimes. He started visiting her at Fujiwara mansion frequently after few months of them being apart as in her was in 13th squad and she was in 8th for her training. Everybody started talking about their relationship as they began noticing the changes in Byakuya's behavior towards Kiyomi. She was new to Gotei 13 but Byakuya was famous, it was obvious for people to note the changes in his behavior for the unknown beautiful noble girl.

Kiyomi however was getting popular in gotei 13, due her beauty and strong spiritual pressure. She met all the current captains and vice captains. They were all friendly and respected her as a person not as noble women. She liked taking to the gentle captain Unohana. She learned herzanpakutou name with Kyouraku and Kisuke kun's help and attained her shikai in year and half. Kisuke helped her gain control over her reiastu while releasing one of her swords. She had unique soul slayer only her shu-nii-san and Kisuke kun knew about. She started studying about rules and regulations of gotei 13 awaiting the exam which would finally make her one of the 13 squads. After exam she was offered 3rd seat in squad 8 and she officially become a shinigami of gotei 13.

Kiyomi's POV

It's really nice to do the work that actually matters, protecting the innocent and maintaining order was something I thought was mattered. It was like I thought back then, I felt alive, I actually feel my existence. I have friends and people who respect me for who I truly am and not because I am a noble, a fujiwara clan member. Finally......a normal life. I have people to thank for ...Yoruichi san, kuchiki-san, kisuke-kun, Soura. I don't see Soura much these days. 'I have office work you know. She works at mansion. I miss her though'

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Today was just like any other day in Gotei 13, I had morning walk with Byakuya-san, we had breakfast together before coming to office as usual and he gave me a new book to read. It has become our routine now, he comes early in morning, we walk in garden or to the woods till the clearing by the lake to see sunrise, have breakfast together, exchange books sometimes and head to our offices. I liked spending time with him, I cherished the moments we spent together. He often was the inspiration for my paintings, though I never told him that and never showed him how many times I had drawn his portrait. 'What you expect! He is most handsome man in Soul Society!' I thought every time after finishing the painting that involved him somehow.

I was in squad 8, doing paper work with lisa fuk-taichou, she was nice person and my friend. But we had extra share of paperwork because our sake-loving, lazy captain would not do his.

"Kiyomi, would you take these papers to squad 1 after you finish that?"

"hai, lisa-chan" with that I left barracks after finishing that paper I was writing on, heading to squad one. I had lot of papers in my hand but it was manageable, I was walking peacefully as after the paperwork we had lunch time and I had completed all my share of paperwork before leaving, so there was no more paperwork today. I was in my thoughts and was looking straight ahead my way when suddenly somebody bumped into me from left side and I landed on my butt, all papers fell and some flew in air from stack. Without looking who was the person I shoot up using flash steps to collect the papers. The more I caught, even more flew up from that stack. 'urgh..what is wrong with this wind, don't mess with me' I thought, then somebody picked up the stack of paper securing it safely in hand and started collecting other papers distributed on ground arranging them in stack neatly, I collected all those in air and landed beside him.

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