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Kiyomi's POV

"I have done what a friend, a normal soul, a servant must never do, Kiyomi-sama, we were caught up in a weak moment. I have betrayed you. I have broken the sacred rule of friendship and I have hurt your heart, your pride, your honor. I had given in for my desire of...., I ..... [sob]........I have stolen a happiness from my best friend's life, I have ...I ha.. [sob] ..Byakuya sama and me... ...we did it behind ... [sob] behind your back, we have wronged you.......[sob].........for mere the physical desires......., Kiyomi sama, nothing I can say to make you forgive me"


I was choked on my words due to anger. I needed to listen,

"Go on! Tell me"

I spoke trying to sound normal but there was a sharp edge to my voice. I pulled tight my reiastu to control my rage. I did not want to blast the mansion up; I took out the necklace form the pocket and wore it around my neck. There was a long silence. The wind tasted of despair and betrayal. I was angry at both of them, I felt furious, bitter, betrayed and hurt. I did not want to give her any sympathy because I had nothing to offer.

"He told me that you had asked Byakuya-sama, to help me look for Rukia, we started going to Rukongai to find her. I knew my place; I never should have gone with him even once. That day, there was group of hollows that attacked the place near the group of houses where we were searching. A loud cry made me run to child to save it. I took the child and started running to Byakuya sama, he saw me running and came to save me, he jumped above us and took hit for me and got badly hurt in the process. He ...[sob].... he defeated all hollows though he was injured, after that I tended his wounds, after some days when he was all recovered from injuries, he asked me to come to kuchiki manor and gave me kimono as gift.. [sob]... it all started that day, I should have stopped him that day only."

With every word I felt the bitterness tighten, reiastu getting thicker with rage. Inside my soul was hissing the snake of hateful betrayal that churned my guts. Those words of confession were needles cutting my skin from all sides.

"One week after that he ....When we went searching for Rukia again.... With no success after vigorous searching I started crying from memories of Rukia. He suddenly picked me up, took me to forest flash stepping, you know how I react to shupo. I was all dizzy, ... ....[sniffle]...he held me and kissed me, I should have stopped myself, I should have stopped him, I could not move all the time he was holding me,.. [sob], I dint not encourage him, but did not ......."

"I don't need to hear the rest. Please leave." I yelled out before I could stop myself. I tuned to face my back at her.

I was so miserably failing to control myself, hands clenched to tighten my fist yet further, warm blood was drawn, tears were streaming down uncontrollably. I felt a hole punched right through my chest, I couldn't keep my eye on her anymore. I looked away, I knew how it felt to be in his arms, I thought that feeling was mine and mine alone for experiencing. How naïve was I?

My heart ached for his touch. I have longed for him all these years I was out, alone, living off of memories of him, going on without complaining for I knew once I completed the ordeal I had him for myself. I wanted to hug him and kiss him so badly when I set foot in soul society this afternoon. Now I am all broken from inside and don't want to see him at all. Soura, my friend, I loved her like a sister, like my own blood, never treated her as mere servant, why they did that to me? What in the soul society I did to deserve this?

"Kiyomi-sama, I have no right to feel like crying because you must hate me and I know, I deserve that. I am terrible person, a very selfish person. I am not even worthy of being in your presence, I have no words to apologize, but........ [sniffle].......... I am really very sorry.......... [sob].....after that day, I have not seen him. I have not been out of this mansion. Kiyomi sama, I have always considered you as my best friend and you would be there in my heart till the day I die, whatever you decide to do now onward, please don't ever forgive me. I would be waiting for my judgment or I will die of guilt."

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