Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Knock. Knock. Knock.

The sound of footsteps thundered down the stairs. It echoed from behind the door. A deepy raspy voice came, "Name?"

John squared his shoulders and whispered, "Tony Tizzle." The sound of a chain sliding out of place came through.

"Age?" the voice came back. John continued, "36." Another lock.'

"State your buisness." 

"Selling bunnies." I started chuckling, but after a serious glare from Megan. I shut up and stood up a little straighter.

The door handle twisted, revealing a tall, medium built man with dirty blonde hair. "John, Megan, Kastella." He greeted us with an expectant smile. Megan and John returned the smile while I looked at them questioningly, then gave a slight nod. "Tom. Hello. They're on to us." A grave look entered the face of all three adults. They all looked at me and feeling guilty I stared down at my shoes. Tom spoked up, trying to comfort me. "Hey, Kastella. It's not your fault.. It's ok. Come on, all three of you. Let's go in and have some ice tea. I nodded and followed them into the house. The interior was just as lovely as the exterior. A cozy loundge room straight to the left of the main hallway, stairs leading up to rooms and a little kitchen. The place was very homely american. Very cliche and stereotypical. 

Megan, John and I took seats on the small couch in the living room while Tom grabbed some ice tea. As he returned to the living room he layed the tray of cups and drink on the table. we all sat there. Still and awkward. 

When no one moved or spoke up, I grabbed a glass and poured some tea. I chugged it down and placed it back on the table, "Umm…so what now?"

Tom gave me a meaningful look. "Well for now, you'll be staying here. I have rooms upstairs for you guys. So until you have a plan, make yourself at home." He flashed a pearly white set of teeth.

I gave a little sad smile and a nod. "Ok. Thank you, if you don't mind I'd like to go to one of those rooms. It's been a long day and I just want to rest." Tom nodded and led me, up the stairs, while Megan and John stayed on the couch, to a small room containing a bed, dresser, closet and a little window about a two feet long. 

I turned back around to Tom and thanked him. He replied with a smile and a nodded and rreturned back down the stairs where I heard him talking to John and Megan about soem CIA stuff. Not wanting to hear it, I drpped my bag near the door and shut it. I flopped back onto the bed and burried my face in the sheets. I started sobbing and fell asleep.

Knock. Sweek.

My eyes fluttered open, it was just Tom, "Hey Kastella, just came up to tll you that dinner will be ready in 5." I gave him a slight nod and he backed out of the room, closing the door behind him, When the door clicked into place, I got up and stretched. My back was stiff, but other than my bloodshot eyes, I looked fine.

I got up and sifted through my duffel bag for a change of clothes. I decided on a pair of grey sweats and a tattered Rolling Stones shirt. Once I was dressed and everything was back in order I started down the stairs to the kitchen

Dinner was a quite event, no one spoke. No one dare make  a sound, as if he possibility of noise was out of the picture. Even the chink of cutlery to porcelien was quiter than usual. I looked at the three faces who were the only ones who were keeping me safe right now. Yes, I was grateful. Grateful that Tom had taken us in, that John and Megan had rescued me, that I was well off, but I couldn't help but wonder, what it would've been like, if Megan and John hadn't saved me. An image flashed into my head.

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