Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Sun hit my eyes from behind the curtain. My eyes slowly fluttered open, as my other senses came to me the smell of pancakes drifted up the stairs. I smile painting my lips, its been a while since I had pancakes, but I still absolutely adored them. I carried myself down the stairs, still in my sweats and Rolling Stones shirt. As I followed the scent of pancakes I found Megan standing at the stove cooking away and, John and Tom, seated at the table. Without turning around Megan greeted me, "Good Morning." I gave her a good morning back. How she had noticed I walked in I'm not sure because John and Tom hadn't, until I spoke. Their heads snapped up, as if surprised to see me. A warm smile spread across both of their faces, "Morning Kastella." They both chided in unison. I lughed at that and greeted them back. "Kastella take a seat." Tom invited as he motioned for the seat across from himself and John. 

I gladly took it and within a minute, Megan had a stack of pancakes in front of me. I thanked her and dug in. As I was about halfway through the stack Megan took the seat beside me. John, Megan and Tom exchanged looks. As if they were about to tell me something very important, and by the way things had been the last couple of days, I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

When no one spoke Tom did, "So Kastella, we've formed a plan. A plan that will allow you and your parenst to live safely CIA free."

I nearly dropped my fork at CIA free. Was that possible? What would it take? What sacrifices would have to be made? I stuttered, "C-CIA f-free..? Like permanently?" Megan took one of my hands and explained, "Well it would involve, ahving to fake our death. Starting with new names, we'll have to change appearance. Eye contacts, hair dye, glasses, makeup. That sort of thing. It's either that…or we'll have to keep hiding." I met her eyes, begginging to worry. "Will this even work? We don't know for sure that the CIA will even buy that." John was the one who spoke up, "Trust us. It will. But we need to drop everything. Names, faces, everything…" I looked at him and then at Tom and then at Megan. I slipped my hand out from Megan's and placed both of my palms facedown on the table, I looked down at my pancakes, as if all the answers were there. "Whatever it takes."

"Ok. Thank you for everything Tom. We'll be sure to come around once its safe. Thank you for everything." John and Megan stayed back to thank Tom before we had to leave. We had new I.D's. New names. We were different people. I am no longer Kastella O'Blien. No matter how much I wanted to stay the same person, I couldn't. It just wouldn't work. I am now,Trinity Starlette. 15. Blonde hair, blue eyes. To cover up my brown pupils I had to were contacts from now on. I had to live on the sidelines again. At least that wouldn't be hard. Stay away from the public eye. Try so hard to be invisible. As I ws alone in the car I took this time to say one last mental goodbye to Kastella. I took the photos out of my backpack, yet again, and sifted through them. As I reminised over all he good times I had; tears streamed down my face. I saw the pictures I had taken with Veronica, Cassidy and Lorrena. I saw the photos of me and Elliott. The photos of my old life. Representing the old me. Eventually nothing would be left of Kastella O'Blien except for these photos and the empty memory of her. One day people will look through their yearbooks, they'll see the name, Kastella O'Blien and realize that all they had of her were faded memories. 

The tears came faster. My hands starting to tremble,before I could drop the photos I replaced them in my backpack. I wiped the tears with the back of my sleeve. I looked out the window to see that John and Megan were still there. I leaned back in my seat, letting my head fall back. Why did it have to be me? Why did this have to be reality? All because of the CIA's greed. Uggh. I guess, at least I wans't some heartless agent. At least I wasn't one of CIA's robots, so for that I was extremely grateful. I was grateful that John and Megan had saved me. Or was I? I shook that thought from my mind. John and Megan gave up so much to rescue me, of course I ws grateful. If they hadn't saved me I would've ended up an agent by 18. Ugggh. This was so complicated, but if I had to do it I would.

John and Megan decided that we should go to Massachusetts. On the other side of the United States. Far from Washington. It was the best shot we had, besides John and Megan said it would be ok. So it would be ok. Right?

As we sped down the highway Florence+ The Machine blasted through my earphones. 

The dog days are over

The dog days are done

Can you hear them coming?

So you better run.

Usually the music would make Kastella feel like the world was smaller, but not now. Not for Trinity Starlette. Not when I was being chased by the CIA. Not when I would never see Elliott, or Veronica or Cassidy or Lorrena again. Sure I could probably walk around their towns and spot them. Laughing, smiling, having fun, but I would never be able to be their friend again, just the thought made me want to burst into tears. 

The trees, the cars, the sky, it all sped by in a blur. My eyes were like the lens of a camera that wouldn't focus. Taking everything in but never really seeing anything. When it felt like I was about to fall apart, I decided it would be wiser to just go to sleep. So I did. The smooth vibration of the car relaxed me. Made me feel better. Put me too sleep quicker, like a child in a rocking cradle.

"Kastella? Kastella wake up. We're here. Trinity?" My eyes slowly, unwillingly, opened. I saw Megan shaking me awake. "Huh? Where are we?"

We're in Massachusetts." I nodded then started stetching my stiff muscles. It was dark otside, so I assumed we had been driving all day. I grabbed my backpack and got out of the car. I followed Megan and John into a tall white buliding. We carried one duffel bag each. Mine full of my clothes, John" full of his clothes and guns, Megan's full of clothes and food. Obviously we weren't going to be here long since the majority of our belongings were still in the back of the car.

As we rented out a room for the rest of the week, under our new names, Megan turned to me and whispered, "We'll  be staying here for the next week, until we find a permanent place to stay." I nodded and followed them into the room.

I sat on one of the beds and looked around the room. Very simple, yet very functional. Big TV, plush sofa, 3 bads, a little kitchen and a bathroom. I wonder how much a place like this cost. I started doing the math, then realizing how much it actually was I stoppd thinking. That number was just too big.

I lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. John and Megan's voice projected to me, although I don't know hwere from. "Kastella, remember we're no longer the O'Bliens. We're the," I cut them off and finished the details, "Starlettes. Trinity, Alexandra and Paul. I'm 15, Sophmore in high school. My interests include, photography, reading and drawing. I know the drill. Blue contacts to cover up my brown and I can't get too close to anyone. I know. Now, I'm sorry, but I just want to go to sleep. Without another word I closed my eyes, rolled onto my side, pulled the blankets over my face and let the tears cover my cheeks as I fell asleep.


*taps mic* hello, uhh does this work? hehe. Ok seriously guys. This is like a seriously short chapter. Another one of thoe chapters thats not very interesting but is essential to the story. Uggh I really need to learn how to make these things longer. Please remember to Comment, Vote and Fan. The quicker you do the quicker I update. (haha no. I'll update either way. But seriously vote, comment ad fan)

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