Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I woke up to the sound of a tapping on my bedroom door. "Trinity? Wake up." My eyes fluttered open, I looked around, trying to figure out what was going on. I looked at my clock. Oh no. 6:30.

I grabbed my toiletries, towel and ran to the bathroom. I twisted the knob. Hot water came pouring out. I jumped out of the reach of the water and adjusted the temperature, properly.

After 5 minutes, I jumped out of the shower and hurried back to my room. I sifted through my wardrobe and decided on a pair of black jeans, a ramones singlet top under a black leather jacket and a beanie. I grabbed my bag and pulled on my Dr Martens on my way out the door. (Outfit on the side)

I speed-walked to school. Trying desperately to not be late. On my way, I grabbed a coffee and a muffin from the little cafe around the corner of my house, and ate while I walked. 

I got to school just on time. I enterd the door to my home room and hurried to my usual seat at the back. I looked around and quickly spotted Lincoln, across the room, staring at me. Our eyes connected for a split second, then I ripped them away and stared at my desk top. As Mr Castill entered the room, I could still feel Lincoln's eyes burning through me. I felt my cheeks begin to heat up.

I let my hair fall from my ear. I peeked up at Lincoln through the strands. He was still staring, I felt my cheeks burn red. I looked straight ahead as Mr Castill called out the names. When it got to me I called out, "Present", and returned my gaze to the desk. I stared the books on my desk. I stared at the pages, trying to distract myself from Lincoln's prying eyes.

The bell rang for 1st period. I collected my things and hurried to my next class. I navigated throughthe halls, to history. As I entered the room I scanned the place for an empty seat. The room was nearly full, so I sat at the farthest seat I could get. 2 rows from the back.

I opened up my notebooks and reviewed my notes from the last lesson. I thought about Lincoln. The words from his note re-run through my head. Hi, I'm Lincoln. I'm 18. My favourite NBA team are the Mavericks and I would really like to get to know you.

Involuntarily, a small smile spread across my face at the thought of it. The light around me started to darken. A shadow was blocking the light. I looked up. A green eyed boy was staring down at me with an uneven smile on his face.

"And may I asked why you're smiling?" Lincoln's smooth voice echoed in my ears.

I looked down with a small chuckle. "Just thinking about something an 18 year old Mavericks fan told me." Uhh Trinity. That sounded so lame. Keep smiling. I left a small smile on my face as Lincoln's soft laugh escaped his lips.

"Well I certainly hope that this boy isn't going to get in my way." I felt a blush spread across my face at his words. Wow Trinity. I looked up at him and met his gaze, "In your way of what?" He laughed again but this time more animated. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling like an idiot.

"Well you see…there's this girl, and she had the most beautiful greyish blue eyes, and I would really like to get to know her."

I let my blonde locks fall around my cheeks. If he ever found out that your name isn't really Trinity, or that your eyes are actually brown. What do you think he would think? The smile from my face faded. Here I was trying to make friends with a guy that didn't even know my real name.

"Hey?" Lincoln's fingers wrapped around my chin, pulling my face up so he could see my face. I stared into his beautiful green orbs. "Are you alright? Did I say something?" I forced a small smile onto my face. "Yeah, just fine. It's just that…" Come one Kastella. Think. What's your story? When I came up short I just blurt out the truth, "I'd really like to get to know this guy with green eyes and brown hair, but I have no idea where to start." As the words came out my smile became real. I did want to get to know Lincoln. I really did, but at what cost?

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