Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I felt the warm sun against my skin as I drove down the freeway. My shades were on and the windows were rolled down. For once I felt like a regular teen. Like a regular 17 year old travelling interstate.

I clicked the radio and waited for the music to come through the speakers. It took a minute before I found a decent station, but once it was on, I didn't change it. The breeze weaved through my hair as the lyrics to Classic by MKTO played.

Let's get it on like Marvin Gaye.

Like Hathaway, write a song for you like this.

You're over my head.

I'm out of my mind.

Thinking I was born, in the wrong time. 

You're one of a kind.

Living in a world gone plastic, baby you're so classic.

I sang along to the few lyrics I know. As the traffic started piling up, I started slowing down. Before I could move past the exit on my left, the car infront of me stopped all together. Uggh. What was happening? I looked out my window and read the sign over the exit. Tennessee. I though about Lorrena, Cassidy and Veronica. I could see them. All the good times flashed through my head. Their smiles, voices, faces.

I realised that Cassidy's smile seemed off. Reality hit me, and boy did it hurt. My memories of them were fading. I would always remember our friendship, but how about the little things? The way Veronica laughs. Lorrena's cute dimples and Cassidy's smile.

Before I could reason with myself, I was turning left and pulling into the exit. I started moving fast again. Not as many people were headed this way so the roads were pretty clear. I drove on and on. The way to the girls house came flooding back to me. The familiar streets, the houses, the people. I noticed so many quaint little shops, I was surprised this town wasn't bustling.

As I pulled into the familiar driveway I cut the engine. What if they weren't home? What if they weren't even living here anymore?

"Uggh Kastella, what are you even doing here? You shouldn't be here. It's not safe. What if the girls get caught up in this whole mess", I muttered to myself. Before I could turn the engine on and speed through town and back on the highway without looking back, a soft tapping came from my window. I looked up in the direction of the noise and I instantly felt tears building up. A familiar face was there. Cassidy. Her black hair cascaded down her shoulders. As her eyes met mine I saw bewilderment in them.

I slowly opened my door, and Cassidy moved aside to let me through. "Ka-Kastella? Is that really you?" Her voice shook and I knew tears were about to be shed. I slowly nodded my head and a small smile crept onto my lips. I stepped forward and Cassidy opened out her arm, bringing me into an embarce. I hugged her tightly and wept into her shoulder as she did the same into mine.

After what felt like forever I pulled back and beamed at her, "Cassidy, oh Cassidy, it's been so long. I've missed you so much. How long has it been?"

She grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the house, "More than 3 years. Kastella, where have you been? I haven't seen you in forever and about 2 years ago we just lost all contact, what happened?" Why again did you come here Trinity? I tried to think of excuses. What should I tell her? What if she didn't believe me?

"Ummm…we moved North, and I don't know I guess we just lost touch." I looked away from her, unable to meet her eyes. I felt the guilt already building up. We entered the little ranch house that was just all to familiar. Before I could say anything Cassidy was already yelling, "Veronica? Lorrena? Where are you? Someone's here." I took a seat on the living room couch. I looked around, waves of nostolgia crashing in. I hadn't seen this place in ages, yet it felt like home. Not much had changed. Same TV set, same sofa, same pictures on the walls, plus a few more additions. I heard the thundering of footsteps coming down stairs, followed by two voice I knew all too well. "What is it Cassidy? I was in the middle of…" Veronica trailed off as she appeared in the living room door. I stood up and after a few moments Lorrena came in too, abruptly stopping next to her sister at the sight of me. I started towards them, new tears threatening to spill. Lorrena and veronica came forward to. "Kastella? It's been so long. We've missed you so much." Lorrena spluttered as she and Veronica wrapped me in a hug. I extended my arms around their shoulders and the three of us stood there sobbing, laughing and smiling at each other, until Cassidy walked in and said, "Hey, don't leave me out of this." And she threw herself into our group hug. Lorrena ushered us to sit. So we sat around the coffee table, legs crossed. 

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