Chapter 16:Figuring it out

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~Scarlet POV~
I left Sanity with our new guests and headed upstairs. I was told to get the other pastas so they can meet the new group of people that just crashed here, but I was a little hesitant. 'Well, they would all meet eventually, may as well do it now,' I thought as I arrived at Jane's room. I knocked on the door and heard some movement from inside. The door opened in about 15 seconds. "Hey Scarlet. What's up?" She asked. "We have some guests, so Dad told me to get everyone and introduce them." I explained to her. "Alright. Hey you want help getting the others?" she said. "Yeah, that would be nice. Thanks" I replied, giving her a smile.

~Time skip because I'm lazy :P~
I got to the living room to see everyone was there. "Alright! Introductions!"

~Skipping these too~
"Alright. Now that everyone has been acquainted it is time to get our guests settled in!" I pause for a moment, thinking of where there were extra rooms. I remember that we have some empty rooms in the East wing. "Follow me!" I say, gesturing for the new group to follow me. I headed to the East wing and went through the door. Up a flight of stairs and there are the bedrooms! "Alright everyone! You may choose your rooms, and there is no need to share a room unless you want to. There are bathrooms at each end of the hallway, and there are a few more rooms on the next floor. Oh and just to tell you, the attic connects over the entire house, and my friend Sanity sleeps in the attic. If you ever have an emergency or need anything, just go up there and yell for her." I said. Most of them gave a nod or said, "Ok," but Karkat looked pissed. "OK, WE GET IT. NOW CAN YOU SHUT YOUR FUCKING BLOWHOLE AND LET US THROUGH?" he said, his arms crossed over his chest. Oh, I forgot I was blocking the hallway, oops. I step back and let him through, but stopped him before he got too far. "I forgot; do any of you have any questions?" Several people raised their hands. 'Now let's see if I remember everyone's names.' I thought as I looked at the first hand, the wrist had a few pretty bracelets on it. I looked at who it belonged too and thought of her name....'Oh Feferi!' "Yes Feferi?" I said, hoping I wasn't wrong. "Is there a lake or somefin?" Feferi asked, her face showing a look of confusion. "Yep! There is a lake a little ways behind the house!" I answered. 'oh duh that why she has fins'. She smiled and let out a sigh of relief. I went on to the next question. The troll had 3d type glasses on, and what looked like an overbite. 'Oh that's Sollux.' I think, very positive. "Yes Sollux?" I say, feeling like a teacher in a classroom. "Ith there internet here?" he said, lisping. "Yes, there is internet here. Any more questions?" 'Well this is really fucking boring'


It was silent, and an awkward silence at that. I stepped back and smiled. "Well, makes yourselves at home!" I said cheerfully as everyone went by and went to choose their rooms. I left them and went back to the living room. I plopped down on the couch with a sigh. This took longer than i thought it would.

Ahh short chapter but at least it's an update!! Sorry I don't update often enough, I get super distracted and run out of inspiration and motivation. Anyway, stay awesome, my kawaii readers!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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