Chapter 4:My first day

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I woke up to sunlight pouring in through the window. "ugh, its too early for this,sun," I said to myself, pulling the blankets over my face. I peeked out from under the blankets at my alarm clock on the bed side table. 12:30. 'damn, I slept that long?' i thought to my self getting out of bed with a yawn. I went over to my closet, and grabbed some clothes. I picked a black T-shirt, black skinny-jeans, red hoodie, and red combat boots. I waked into my huge bathroom and took a shower, then did all my other morning stuff. after I got out of the bathroom, I made my bed then went downstairs to the living room. There were a lot more people here now. "Good morning, sleepyhead," I heard from behind me. I turned around to see dad, wearing... a pink,frilly apron?! "Hi dad, what on earth are you wearing!" I yelled, trying unsuccessfully to stifle a laugh. he just ignored my question and steered me into the kitchen. "its time you had something to eat. we all tried to wake you up, but you were so tired, you could have slept through the end of the world!" he shook his head with a slight chuckle. "I'm not really that hungry," I started to say, but was interrupted by my stomach, which growled loudly in objection. I sighed as I sat down at the table, while dad went to the counter and served me some pancakes with bacon. "hey! Slendy those were my pancakes!" someone yelled, running into the kitchen. I looked to see a boy of about 19, with messy brown hair, hazel eyes and almost grey skin. he looked at me and said cheerfully, "hi i'm Ticci Toby! but everyone just calls me Toby," "hi Toby, I'm Scarlet," I replied, trying to match his cheerful tone, but failing miserably. "now, if you two are done with introductions, Scarlet still needs to eat." dad said, sounding a little annoyed. as dad set my pancakes down in front of me, toby left the kitchen, mumbling something about 'asking masky to make some more pancakes' or something like that. after I finished breakfast/brunch, I decided to go take a walk outside. "be back before dark!" dad yelled as I walked out the door. "yeah, okay dad," I replied nonchalantly. as I was walking, I thought I heard someone following me. "who's there!" i yelled, spinning around to look behind me. walking up the path, a few yards behind me, was a little girl, around eight or nine, with a pink dress and long brown hair. as she got closer, I could see her dress and hair were covered in dirt and something that looked like...blood!? when she caught up to me, she started talking a mile a minute. "hi!imsally!whatsyourname?howoldareyou?youareverypretty.whendidyougethere?whydidyoucallslendermandad?" "whoah sweetie,slow down. my name is Scarlet, I am 19, thank you,i got here last night, and I called Slenderman dad because that is what I've known him as since I was 6. why do you ask?" "because I call him daddy too!" she replied, jumping up and down. "So does that make us sisters?" she asked, looking up at me with THAT face. "I guess it does," I said looking at her and smiling. "yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!" she screamed, jumping on me and hugging me. I kept on walking with her like that, and soon she fell asleep. I sighed, and decided to go back to the house. when I got there, the living room was deserted. 'thats good. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone' i thought, trudging up the stairs with Sally still sleeping. I looked around at all the doors lining the hallway, till I came to mine. across the hall from my bedroom door was a pink door with the name, 'Sally' written in curly, sparkly, purple writing. ' I guess this is her room.' I walked in and was not surprised with what ii saw. a little table with teeny chairs was covered by a lacy pink tablecloth with a tea set neatly set out on it. there was a toy chest filled with dolls of all kinds, and countless other toys.  carried sally over to the fluffy pink bed and laid her down in it, covering her with the blanket. "good night,sissy" she said, still half asleep. "good night sally. sweet dreams," I said, closing the door behind me. I walked over to my room, opened the door, only to.............

DUN DUN DUUUUUUUNNNNNNN! haha cliff hanger! don't get mad at me for not updating for a while, PLZ! its not my fault highschool is so f*cking boring! my mom also took my phone away, so i cant update at school. again, sorry! i will update as often as i can, and will be continuing this story for a while. stay kawaii, my awesome readers!!!!!!!! \(^o^)/

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