Chapter 14:The Surgery

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Scarlet POV

The next day me and Sam went to get her some stuff. We got her some clothes, most of which were green hoodies, skinny-jeans, and a couple more pairs of combat boots. We got her some "undergarments", pajamas, and i managed to convince her to get a couple dresses and one pair of heels, one pair of flats. We went and got her some books, some art stuff, and a whole bunch makeup. 'Well, we don't go out often, so to get all this stuff now is actually a good idea' i thought, as Sam was looking at a pair of green and black headphones. She grabbed them, tossed them into the cart, and went to get a laptop. After another hour of shopping, she decided she had enough stuff to last her a while. "That will be $675.95 please," the girl at the checkout said unemotionally. I handed her a wad of cash and grabbed a bunch of bags. "Keep the change" i told her over my shoulder, following Sam who was already on her way out the door. We trudged to the edge of the forest, then i yelled for my Dad, who in turn teleported us back to the mansion. "Whoa, what's all that stuff for?" BEN asked, gaping at the many bags me and Sam were carrying. "Oh, just stuff for Sam." i replied, shifting the weight of the bags a bit. BEN got off the couch and grabbed some of the bags i was carrying. "Thanks," i said. "No problem." The three of us walked up to the attic and set the stuff on the floor. "I'm gonna take care of my stuff from here. Thanks for all the help you guys," she said, stretching her arms.

~TIMESHKIP brought to you by bloody waffles~

Sam came down from her room after half an hour. "Geez, what took you so long?" I asked, hanging my head over the back of the couch lazily. She just shrugged. "Well now that you are finished, we can begin your surgery," Dad said, teleporting into the room. He then led us downstairs to the infirmary. There, EJ and Dr. Smiley were waiting for us. Sam and I sat down in a couple chairs in a corner of the room. Dr. Smiley looked at us. "Which of you would like to go first?" He asked. "I'll go" Sam offered. "Ok. Then go over to the operating table." Sam nodded and went and sat on the operating table. EJ talked to her for a bit before injecting a purple liquid into her arm. She almost instantly fell asleep. Then Dr. Smiley shut a curtain and they got to work. After about ten minutes, I fell asleep out of boredom.

~TIMESHKIP 1 hour~

I woke up to something tickling my face. I looked at what was tickling me, and saw a black and green wing. The wing was attatched to...Sam?!? "Sorry for waking you up like that Scarlet," Sam giggled. "Its ok." I said, standing up and stretching. "I guess We don't call you Sam anymore, huh?" I said, poking her cheek. "Yup. You now can call me Sanity Lost or Sanity from now on." She said, folding her large wings against her back. "Scarlet, it's your turn," Dr. Smiley said from over by the operating table. I nodded and walked over. I hoisted myself up on the table and turned to face Dr. Smiley and EJ. "So Scarlet, what do you wanna look like?" EJ asked me. I thought for about two seconds. "I want to have the ears and tail of a grey wolf!" i said enthusiastically. EJ chuckled. "Ok Scarlet. We can do that. now just close your eyes and relax..." And with that he poked a needle with the same purple liquid he used on Sam into my arm and injected the liquid into me. I felt sleepy after about 10 seconds. I fell into a dreamless sleep.


I was running. From what i could tell, it was Slender forest. I heard gunshots from behind me and kept running. I was scared. I didn't want whoever was shooting at me to catch me! I turned and soon came to a cave and dove into it. I crouched in the darkness, waiting for the person or people with the guns to run past. I heard footsteps crashing through the bushes, shouting, and then they walked away in the opposite direction. I began to pant. I limped to the back of the cave and began licking my wounded leg. I heard more gunshots from far away.


I woke up to a slight tingling sensation on my head and butt. I stand up, stretch, and walk over to the standing mirror on the other side of the room. I had ears and a tail! They were grey, and they looked like a wolf's,  like i had requested. I ran to the living room to show everyone. "Wow Scarlet, you look.....amazing! BEN said from the couch, pausing the game he was playing. "Thanks! Hey, where's Sanity?" "I think she's outside, testing out her new wings," BEN replied, going back to his game. "Ok thanks!" I said before running outside to find Sanity. I got outside and I saw a shadow moving across the ground. I look up into the air to see Sanity flying around above the house. She looked at me, and I began to wave. She came down and landed right next to me. "You look pretty cool" She said, admiring my ears and tail. "Not as amazing as you with your wings!" I retorted. She laughed, "I guess. I think I look like a badass angel." "Well,, you are badass, and you are an angel, so it fits!" I laughed with her. 'Maybe I should tell her about my dream.....nah! That would probably worry her' I thought to myself. I turned back to Sanity only to find she had gone into the air again. I chuckled when i saw her do a flip in the air. "Show off,"I muttered as I turned to go back into the house. As I reached the door, I caught a whiff of...something. I sniffed the air, trying to figure out what the strange smell was. I walked into the woods, following the scent like it was a trail. The scent led me right to a cave. 'This looks like the cave from my dream!' I realized where I was and decide to look in the cave. And sure enough, as soon as I poked my head into the cave, I was met with a pair of glowing eyes. I heard a whimper, and something in the cave rustled, almost like the animal was trying to back away from me. noticed the smell I had followed here was very strong in the cave. "It might be fear-scent...maybe thats an ability I have! I can smell as well as a wolf!' I happily thought. I slowly reached my hand out to the creature. "Shh, it's ok, i'm not going to hurt you..." I cooed to it. After a minute of talking calmly and just holding out my hand, the creature came toward my hand and sniffed it. It then proceeded to lick my hand, then it jumped on me. We tumbled out of the cave into the small clearing in front of the cave. I looked to see what it was that had jumped on me. I saw a young wolf. His coat was a dark gray, whereas his tail was light gray. His eyes were an amber color, slightly tinted with green. He looked at me happily, barking at me. "Hey there boy!" I said to him, patting his head. He closed his eyes contently and let his tongue hang out of his mouth like a puppy. After a couple more minutes of petting him, I noticed it was starting to get dark outside. "Sorry boy, but I have to go home now," I said sadly, standing up. I began to walk ot of the clearing, and I heard a rustling of leaves. I turned around to see the wolf was following me. "I guess you wanna stay with me, huh?" I said, looking at him and smiling. He looked at my face and barked happily. "Well, I guess Dad won't mind. Come on.....hmm...what shall i name you?" I thought aloud. I looked at his tail absentmidnedly. "Gray-Tail! That'll be your name! How do you like that?" I asked him. He barked and wagged his tail. "I'll take that as a yes then. Come on GrayTail! Let's go home!" I said, beckoning him to come. He bounded in front of me, and I ran after him. We reached the house and went inside. I looked at Gray-Tail and told him to be quiet, then I started to sneak up the stairs. Dad teleported into the room. "Hello, child." he said, seeing me. "Hi Dad," I said, turning around, trying to keep Gray-Tail hidden. "I know you have a wolf, child. And yes you may keep him. But he sleeps in your room at night." he said, reading my mind. "Thanks Dad!" I said, hugging his legs before bounding upstairs to my room, Gray-Tail following close behind me. I got in my pajamas, and hopped into bed. Gray-Tail looked at me, and I patted the end of the bed, inviting him to come up. He jumped up on the bed, the went to the foot and layed down, his head facing me. I smiled and patted his head. "Goodnight, Gray-Tail," I said as I laid down and fell asleep.

A/N So how was it? I hope you liked this chapter!!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I have been having trouble with school (my homework) so I haven't had a lot of time to write. But, I got another chapter, so I feel a little better. It's almost Spring break, so I will hopefully have more time to write. I will also be updating Sanity Lost soon! But for now, Stay awesome, my kawaii readers! ^-^

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