Chapter 9:The Crush

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Scarlet POV

The day after Kitty came to live with us, i started to notice something happening. Whenever she would see Toby, she would blush like a madman and hide. One day i decided to ask her why she did that. "why do you blush and hide when you see Toby, Kitty?" She started to blush"well, i uh..i sorta um...have a um...crush on him" she replied and hid her hands in her face. 'Awwww!!!thats so fucking cute!!!!' i thought to myself, smiling. Just then Toby walked into the room. I decided to tease Kitty a little bit. "hey Toby, Kitty liiiiiikes you!" i said in a cutesy voice. She looked at Toby and blushed madly. I glanced at Toby, and he was blushing too. "I-Is it t-true, K-Kitty?" he asked, still blushing. She started blushing even harder (if thats even possible) and looked up at him "y-y-yes, its true..." "W-Well, i actually h-have a c-crush on y-you t-too, K-Kitty," he said, going a deeper shade of red. "You guys should go out!" i blurted out without even thinking twice. Both of them looked at me. Toby turned to Kitty and smiled."I t-think we sh-should! w-will you g-go out w-with m-me, K-Kitty?" He asked, taking her hand. I swear if Kitty blushed any harder she would blow up. "Y-Yes! I will totally go out with you, Toby!" she said as she started to twitch a little. "Why are you twitching?" I asked, extremely curious. "w-well, i sort of have Tourettes syndrome, just n-no as severe a case of T-Toby" She replied, looking up at Toby. "Not that i think your tics and twitches are annoying! i actually think they're kinda cute,"she added, poking his nose when she said 'cute'.  Kitty then yawned REALLY big and Toby man-giggled. "L-Looks l-like someone g-getting s-sleepy," he said, picking her up bridal style. "whoa hey! da faq was that for!" she scream/giggled, lightly smacking him on the shoulder. "you know he cant feel pain, right?" i poined out to her. "I know that silly! even if he could it wasn't supposed to hurt! Jeebus!" she said, rolling her eyes at me. "w-well, l-lets all g-go to b-bed n-now," Toby said, still holding Kitty bridal style. "*yawn* i agree, lets go, Toby," Kitty yawned, snuggling into his chest. "g-night, guys," "n-night, Sc-Scarlet" and i headed up to bed, looking outside at the snow-dusted trees.

~TIMESKIP to the next day brought to you by...........WAFFLES!!!!!!!!!!~

The next morning we started Kitty's training. Me and Toby helped her learn how to use her new weapon, a battle axe with a neon green ribbon on the handle, while Jane helped her with knife combat. "why-is-this-so-hard-" Kitty panted, catching her breth after chasing me and Toby around Slender woods(training drill) because if you ever want to be a proxy, you need to be in shape," i replied, taking a deep breath. "K-Kitty, g-grab your a-axe. I w-want you t-to f-fight m-me," Toby said, pulling his hatchets out of his belt. Kitty snatched up her battle axe and got into a fighting stance. "c-come at me," she said, smirking.

Kitty's POV

"c-come at m-me," i said, smirking as i twitched. 'shit, my Tourettes is acting up' i thought. Toby lunged at me, and i dodged, ticcing slightly. He turned around, and lunged again. I dodged, and hit him with the dull edge of my axe, signifying i had "cut" him. "ouchie," he mumbled smirking, knowing very well that i knew he couldnt feel pain. "Gotcha," i playfully said, lunging at him this time. He dodged, swinging out at me with one of his hatchets, but i countered by kicking the hatchet out of his hand, and, throwing my axe into the small patch of dirt that was where we could put our weapons so they didnt rust in the snow, i tackled him to the ground. "i win," i said as i helped him up off the ground. Then Slenderman (Scarlet told me his name) teleported to us. "well done,child. you all may go back to the mansion for a while. Scarlet, i leaving for a while, im putting you in charge," he "said." Scarlet looked both shocked, dimbfounded and excited. "wait!dad, why am i in charge?!" she yelled. "because, child. i trust you and you are more mature than some of the others..." he replied after pausing to think for a moment. "ok! see ya later!" Scarlet said, smiling. as Slender teleported away, we began packing up our weapons and heading back to the mansion. "well, that was fun!"  i blurted out after a while of walking in silence. "y-yeh! it s-sure was! i d-didnt know you w-were that st-strong K-Kitty," Toby agreed, looking at me beaming(A/N for those who dont know, beaming is used as in smiling really happily). "th-thanks T-" "next time we train, i wanna fight you!" Scarlet said,interrupting me. "ok, fine. but as i was ABOUT to say before i was so rudely INTERRUPTED, thanks Toby! i didnt know i was that strong either!" i said, glaring at Scarlet when i said interrupted, and purring and smiling at Toby the rest of the time. when we got to the mansion things were a mess. everyone was running around not knowing what to do. Offender man was harassing sally while Splendorman was trying to get Offender to stop, BEN was being chased by Jeff at knifepoint while Jeff was yelling "you little cheating bastard!" and E.J. was freaking out because he couldnt find his kidneys anywhere. 

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