Chapter 7:Thanksgiving

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Scarlet P.O.V.

I woke up shivering. "Brrr.....why is it so cold?" I look out the window to see white. Pure white. "Er mah gerd its snowing!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell running downstairs to see everyone in the livingroom doing their own thing. "We know its snowing, dunbass. You didn't have to scream," Jeff said in a sarcastic voice. "oh shut up, Jeff" I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

I went into the kitchen, where dad was at the stove cooking. "hi dad" I said sitting at the table. "eat light,you'll need the room for later." "why?" I asked him. 'i don't remember anything special going on today' I thought. "it's Thanksgiving today, silly" he said, putting a bowl of cereal in front of me. "well, can I help cook?" I asked." Yes child, you may help me cook." He replied, nodding his head. "yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!" I said/yelled.

~TIMESKIP brought to you by masky and hoodie eating cheesecake~

"EVERYONE GET TO THE TABLE NOW!!!" I yelled, sticking my head out of the kitchen door. Everyone was coming down the stairs as dad put the last dish on the table. "what smells so good?" BEN asked, gasping at,the amount of food on the table. "ok, everyone sit down but DON'T start eating yet, got it?" I said, with a serious look on my face. Everyone say down, and when I say down, Jeff was on my left, BEN on my right, and straight across from Jane. "on not religious, but we will go around the table and say one thing we are thankful for." Dad said, looking around the table. The thanks went a little like this (or at least what I heard)



Jeff:his knife

BEN:his videogames

Sally:her dolls,especially Charlie, her stuffed near

Me:my friends and family (wink)

Jane:her life (glaring at Jeff while she said it)

And that's pretty much all I could hear. After we said what we were thankful for, Doesn't stood up and said,"let's eat!" Soon everyone was piling their plates with food.

~TIMESKIP brought to you by Carl the llama~

After dinner we played a few games, but mostly people wanted to do their own things. Killing sprees, sleep, you name it. I went to play videogames with BEN and EJ. We played some COD, then some other random games. I felt tired and wanted to sleep. I said goodnight to the guys and headed upstairs to bed. I took a shower, got in my pjs and crawled into bed. 'I had fun today' I thought as I drifted off into dream land.

A/N sorry it's so short! I will update a second time though, and I will do this for most holidays(a special then normal chapter) so yeah! Stay awesome, my KAWAII readers!!! \(^o^)/

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