Chapter 1

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     “Hey Lydia, could you come here a second?” Chief Higgins calls to me. I turn around.

     “Yeah, Paul, what’s up?” I ask.

    “We have another murder case.” He sighs. “Male, age 52 and a female, age 49 found dead in their house two nights ago.” He reads off of a paper.

     “Why do you need me?” I was a special interrogator, I only interviewed witnesses and suspects, and dealt with hard cases, like where the witnesses can’t speak due to shock and other stuff like that.

    “The murderer got away, but the couple’s 22 year old son was found alive in the closet at the same time the parents were found. He hasn’t spoken once since.”  Paul explains. I nod.

     “Want me to talk to him?” I ask.

    “I don’t expect you to make any progress tonight. Can you take him home and let him stay with you? Every time we suggest him going home he starts shaking.” Chief asks.

       “Sure, what room?” I ask.

     “Interrogation room number 6. I presume you know where that is?” I nod. “Good luck.” Chief sighs. I walk to interrogation room number 6 and go in. It is a grey room with one table, same color as the walls, and a cold looking metal chair. In the chair is a boy my age, I’m 21, with feathery brown hair. His beautiful blue eyes are filled with fear and sadness. His thin, pink lips are quivering slightly.

      I close the door quietly, but he notices. His eyes meet mine, and for a second, he stops shaking. Then he looks away and resumes his earlier constant shaking. I walk over to the tape recorder on the wall and turn it on. I notice he is watching me.

    “Sorry, I have to put it on. Regulation.” I explain. He nods, but doesn’t say anything. I take a chair that is folded up on the wall, unfold it, and place it on the other side of the table. I sit in it, place my elbows on the table, and look at the boy.

     “So, I heard you don’t speak much?” I say sarcastically. I see his lips twitch into a smile but it quickly vanishes. “Anyway, I don’t want to make you talk, so I am only going to ask you yes or no questions. Nod if yes, shake your head if no. Got it?”

      He nods. I smile.

      “Ok, let’s start. I’m going to figure out your favorite color.” He looks taken aback. “Blue?”

      He shakes his head.


     He shakes his head once again.


      He nods. I smile.

      “That’s mine too, that means we’re BFFL’s now.” I say cheerily.

       He smiles for a second, it lasts longer than last time, but it still vanishes quickly. I sigh.

      “Okay, I know I’ve been super hilarious so far, and you’re just dying with laughter, but I need to ask you some serious questions now.” I tell him. He chuckles but immediately stops himself. I sigh sadly.

      “Did you witness your parents’ death?”

     He nods.

     “They were murdered?”

     He nods.

     “Was the murderer a guy?”

     He nods again.

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