Chapter 3

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       My eyes widen, but quickly return to their normal size. “What’s yours?” He asks.

      “I’m Officer Styles, but you can call me Lydia.” I tell him. He nods slowly.

      “Is it possible that we’re related?” He asks me.

      “That depends, where did you grow up?” I ask him.

      “I moved here from Holmes Chapel when I was twelve. I’m 18 now.” He tells me.

      “I moved here from Holmes Chapel when I was 8, but now I’m 21.” I tell him.

      “Did your dad kill your mum?” He asks me.

      “Yeah, then I moved in with my aunt. I think I had a brother, but I don’t remember. I was only four.” I explain.

      “I moved in with my uncle, he never said anything about a sister, though. But, when I was twelve, my dad killed my uncle. I never saw him but there was a note.” Harry tells me.

      “Harry, this is getting really freaky.” I breath. “That exact same thing happened to me.”

      “What does this mean?” He asks.

      “Harry, I think I might be your sister. But before we draw any conclusions, we should get a DNA test. But for now, I need you to tell me what you saw tonight.” I say, getting back into police mode.

      “But wait, don’t you want to talk about this?” He asks.

      “Yes, but Harry, I have to do a job right now. Now tell me what you saw.” I say seriously.

      “Well, this man with black hair and a ripped shirt was walking down the street. He had a tattoo on his side, of a black dragon. He stopped in front of my house and pulled out a cigarette. He lit it, then through it on the doorstep. I called the fire department right away and the man ran away.” Harry tells me.

      My mouth drops open. The same guy who killed Louis’ parents set fire to Harry’s house? That makes no sense. I’m trying to find a connection between the two, but I can’t. Maybe the guy is just a serial killer. I sigh loudly.

      “This man with the tattoo killed two people about two days ago. Their son is actually living with me for now. He was shocked into mute-ism. He hasn’t said a word to me in the short time I’ve known him. Now, I have two more questions.

      “One, do you want to stay at my home too, just for now?” I ask.

      “Love to.” Harry smiles and he has dimples. These similarities are getting too weird.

     “Second question, do you want to go down to the lost relative department and get that DNA test?” I ask.

      “Ok, but everything is pointing to the fact that we are siblings.” He smiles again and I chuckle.

      “You are smiling when your house was burnt down like an hour ago.” I tell him.

      “Yes, but I just met my long-lost sister!” He exclaims.

      “You don’t know that yet. Now, come on.” I stand up and he follows. We walk out and Harry stops.

      “Lou?!” He exclaims. Louis looks up. “Louis, what are you doing here?!” Harry asks.

    “Harry, he’s gone mute. He is the boy I told you about. Where do you know him from?” I ask. Harry’s mouth drops open.

      “He went to Uni with me. We are like best friends.” Harry says and Louis nods.

      “O-okay, this is becoming really weird. Let’s go get that DNA test and head home. Louis, Harry is going to be staying with us for a while.” I say. Louis nods and we head down to the DNA lab. I walk in and see my friend Eleanor.

        “Hey Officer Styles.” She says cheerily.

      “Hey, Officer Calder. Look, I need a DNA test done with me and this guy. We might be brother and sister, I need you to check.” I explain. She nods.

      “Alright, both of you come over here and prick your fingers.” We go through the whole process and Eleanor says she can have the results tomorrow. We head home and walk into my flat.

      “Before we go to bed, we need to talk. Louis, grab my laptop. Harry, go sit on the couch.” I order. Louis nods.

      “Alright.” Harry sits down on the couch. I sit next to him and Louis returns with my laptop. I turn it on and set up a word document for Lou.

      “Now, the same man attacked Louis’ parents and tried to kill Harry. This can’t just be a coincidence. Now, there was something about the man you both described that scared me, but I think I have to tell you.” I tell them. Louis looks scared and Harry is quite antsy.

      “My dad, the one who killed my mum, had a black dragon tattoo on his back and side, just like you both described.” I admit. The second Louis told/ typed me that, I got scared. I didn’t want to tell Louis because I thought he would get even worse. I was right. Louis was shaking violently.

      “What does that mean?” Harry asks me.

      Is he going to kill you guys too?

      “I’m not a detective, but what I took from it is that my dad-our dad- wants us dead too. He would see you with Louis all the time and wanted to see if he was with you. He killed your parents because he didn’t find Harry. Then he tried to kill Harry, but didn’t do it right.” I say. But what I didn’t tell them, is that he would probably try to kill me too.

       “This is mad.” Harry breathes.

      “Yeah, this is a lot to handle in one night. Let’s go to sleep. Louis, you want to sleep with me again?” I ask. Louis nods frantically.

      “You guys slept together?” Harry asks.

      “Yes, but only like in the same bed.” I explain. Harry nods.

     “Okay, let’s go to sleep.” Harry goes to the guest room and Louis follows me to mine. I change into some sweats and an old T-shirt in the bathroom. When I walk out, Louis is sitting on my bed waiting for me… in his boxers.

      He is really fit. How come I didn’t notice it before? His arms are like cannons. His six pack looks like and actual six pack. His V-line is making me drool. God help me. I sit next to him on my bed.

     “Hey Tommo, do you think you might want to try talking a little bit?” I ask. Louis nods slowly. “You don’t have to, but it would really help you with the coping process.” I suggest. “Want me to ask you a question?”

     He nods.

     “What do you want to be when you grow up?” He mumbles something. “What was that?”

     “A drama teacher.” I hear a voice say. I turn to see Harry in the doorway.

     “Harry, I was trying to help him talk.” I sigh.

     “Sorry, I knew the answer. Can I help?” Harry asks. Louis and I nod.

     “Ok, another question. Do you have any siblings?” I ask Louis.

     He nods and puts up four fingers.

      “What are their names?” Louis doesn’t answer. I sigh. “Harry?”

      “Lottie is 15, Fizzy is 12, and Phoebe and Daisy are 8.” Harry answers. I nod.

     “Ok, we’re not getting anywhere. Let’s just go to sleep.” I sigh. Harry nods, kisses my cheek, and leaves. Louis gets under the duvet with me and this time, I snuggle into his side. “Goodnight, Lou.”

      “Goodnight Lydia.” I hear a soft, beautiful Doncaster accent say. I look up at him.

      “You spoke.” I say stupidly. He nods. I smile and snuggle further into his side.

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