Chapter 9

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                                           *****************5 Years Later*******************

      I pull back from the kiss with my now new husband. He smiles down at me with loving eyes. “My wife. I could really get used to the sound of that.” He chuckles.

     “Alright, hubby, let’s go to the reception, I’m ready for a drink.” I laugh and pull him down the aisle.

     “I love you, Lyd.” He mumbles in my ear. I turn and face him.

     “Love you too, Boo.” I kiss his cheek then continue to pull him down the aisle.

                                        ******************10 Years Later*****************

      “Mummy! Mummy! Will took my teddy!” Lucy cries. I sigh.

      “Will, give Lucy back her teddy.” I call.

      “No, he’s mine now.” Will says triumphantly.

      “Louis, will you please control your son?” I ask Louis sarcastically. He grins.

     “Of course he’s my son when he’s doing something wrong.” He laughs. “Will, I’ll buy you your own teddy, just give Lucy’s back to her.” Will pouts and Lucy giggles. He hands back her teddy. Louis picks up the paper and I start on the dishes.

      “What are we doing today, mummy?” Lucy asks me. I hear something drop.

      “Kids, go to your rooms for a moment. I need to have a word with mummy.” Louis says suddenly.

      “Yes, daddy.” Both of our kids get up and walk to their rooms.

      “What’s up, Lou?” I ask curiously. He picks up the paper and shows me the front cover.


      My jaw drops and I feel cold. I look to Lou who immediately wraps his arms around me. I melt into him. “Lou, what am I going to do?” I choke.

      “I don’t know, but I’m keeping you and the kids safe no matter what.” Louis mumbles into my hair.

      “Lou, I-I’m scared.” I mumble.

      “It’s alright, I promise, it’s going to be alright.” Louis tightens his grip on me. “Honey, do you think you can go to work today?” Louis asks me softly.

      “Yeah, I-I think I can.” I pull back and look up at him.

      “It’s all going to be okay, babe.” He kisses my forehead and I close my eyes, drinking it in. When he pulls back, I go to our room and change into my uniform. Louis gives me a kiss, tells me he loves me, and heads out the door with Lucy to take her to daycare.

      “Alright, Will, let’s go to school.” I sigh. I grab his hand and walk him to school. I walk him to the door, holding his hand.

      “Mum, let go of my hand! Everyone will think I’m a baby.” Will whines. I let go of his hand and lean down to kiss him on the head. “Mum!” He whines. “I hate when you do that.”

      “Please, Will, just let mummy have one more hug?” I ask hopefully.

     “No! I hate you!” Will turns and runs into school. I stand up, my eyes filling with tears. Usually I don’t mind, he just wants to look tough for his friends, but the emotional stress that I have had to deal with today has already left me vulnerable. I run away from the school and let the tears flow.

      All of a sudden I can’t see. I feel strong arms tie my hands behind my back. I try to scream but they are muffled by a rag that has some sort of chemical on it. I hold my breath as long as I can, but breathe when I run out of air. I start to feel sleepy and soon my eyes are closing.

      I wake up in a dark room. I am tied to a chair and muffled with a tight rag around my mouth. My wrists hurt from the ropes and my neck hurts from the position I’m in. I look around the room frantically for something to help me escape. Suddenly, the door opens and I am blinded by a light.

     “Thank you for finally awaking, love.” A low voice sneers. I look up to see him. “Now, in the 15 years I’ve spent in prison, I have come to a realization. I shouldn’t kill you.”

      “What?” I try to ask, but it’s muffled by the cloth.

      “I can use you around my house. I’ve always loved free housework.” He sneers.

      “Please!” I start writhing around and trying to get free. I stop when I feel a sharp pain across my cheek.

      “For that, you won’t get to start until tomorrow.” He growls. He turns around and leaves the room. I start trying to move the cloth from around my mouth. Finally I have a reason for that police training! I get it to uncover and I start screaming bloody murder. Someone must hear me before I get another hit from my father.

Louis’ POV

      “Hello, is this Louis Tomlinson?” Someone asks me through the phone.

      “Yes, how can I help you?” I ask. It’s my lunch break, fourth period just ended.

      “Is your wife sick today?” The woman asks me.

      “No, why?” I ask nervously.

     “She didn’t show up to work today, and we have the knowledge a man who shot her has escaped prison.” She mentions.

      “God, please, what should I do?” I ask.

      “Try to stay calm. If you have children, get them as soon as possible and go home. We will call you if you we have any more information.” She instructs.

      “Thanks.” I hang up the phone and tell my boss I have to leave. I pick up Lucy and Will and bring them home. I hold Lucy in my lap and hug her tightly.

      “Daddy, what’s wrong? Where’s mummy?” She asks me. I just hug her tighter.

      “Dad, is it because I told her I hated her? Because I don’t, I didn’t mean it!” Will says nervously.

      “Oh, Will, that’s not why mummy’s not here, I promise. Now come sit down with me.” I throw an arm around his shoulders. Suddenly, the phone rings. I grab it and answer it quickly. “Hello?”

      “We have a noise complaint from a resident. She says someone was screaming loudly in the recently rented house next door.” The same woman tells me.

      “Go check it out!” I shout.

      “We just wanted to tell you, we are not allowed to investigate unless there are three or more reports. I’m sorry, sir.” She hangs up. What the bloody hell?! My wife could be getting killed and they don’t care?!

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