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"Legacy shut up! I'm trying to do something!"

"I can't help it and you know it so stop being mean to me." She states as she continues to bounce around in my mind.

"Yes I know that but could you just stop bouncing and screaming out random things or stopping mid sentence. Please? Or do I need to take something to calm you down?"

"Fine I'll try but no promises." she mutters and sits down.

Being OCD and having an ADHD wolf is a pain in the ass.

"Not there you idiot, over there! Gods I'm working with imbeciles!" And having and even more OCD third with anger issues is the cherry on top. "How the hell do you not realise the different between crimson and just plain red? I know your wolf is colour blind but you aren't! Figure it out now!"

"Ivory calm down, it's not that big of a deal. The black will make the red look darker." I walk over and rub her shoulders in an attempt to calm her down.

"Everything has to be perfect, it's your Alfa ceremony. You are coming to power."

"Look I'm a Seventeen year old girl, the fact that I'm going to be Alfa is amazing enough. So just calm down. Okay? Legacy and I can take over for a while."

"Okay fine, I'll be working in the kitchen if you need me," she walks off in a hurry.

Today is the day, I get to take what is my by birth right. I'll start going to Alfa meetings, make treaties, shun some wolves and bring in new ones.


" I think he's mad."

"Ya think? Or you can feel the anger from here?"


"We need to take care of this."

I shift, shredding my cloths in the process. It takes me less that a minute to get to the training ground were James is jumping down a wolves throat. He has been getting some of the Warriors to do a traditional performance of the guard.

I shift back and take a pair of shorts and a t-shirt from one of my female warriors.

"James stand down!"

His head whips around swiftly, eyes glowing yellow and teeth bared. A growl rips it's was from deep within my throat sending everyone around me to their knees. Legacy has taken over, I'm certain I look as James did.

"Don't. Ever. Bare your teeth at me again!" She spits down at James. "Or so help me I will strip you of you wolf, who need I say you haven't even met yet, and your tittle. No one not even Chaos will be able to stop me!"

James is shaking and whimpering at this point, but there's nothing I can do.

"Legacy, you need to calm down, there at pups here! If they fear you now how do you think they'll feel when you're their full Alfa? You'll rule from fear, not trust."

She relinquishes her hold on me and runs off to somewhere in my mind. Dropping to my knees I cradle James in my arms.

"Everyone, go back inside, we are done here." No one moves. "NOW!" My whole pack runs back to the house, worried I'll have another breakdown.

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