Were is he

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By the time we got back to the pack house and got done unloading his things it was nearly dawn. After my breakdown I explained how I had lost my brother, which took a few hours. The rest of the time was spent with us laughing and joking as we slowly packed up all of Rhydian's things.

"Rhydian you can sleep in my room until we get you one fixed."

"How come he gets to sleep in your room and not me?"

"I just thought that you would want your bed and not my pull out. If you want to you're welcome to sleep in my room."

"I don't care if I sleep on the floor, I'm sleeping in your room."

"Okay so both of you are sleeping in my room," I walk into my room and collapse onto my bed. "Sort out where you sleep between the two of you," I drift off.

To my right the bed dips as if someone is sitting on it.

"What's going on?" I don't open my eyes.

"Sorry ceann beag, I didn't mean to wake you. We worked out a shift, every other night I'll sleep in your bed, the other nights he will," he lays down completely.

"Okay," I mumble.

He gets under the duet with me and pulls me into his chest.

"Good night James, good night Rhydian," I once again drift off into oblivion.

Rhydian's POV (surprise)

I woke up and rolled over expecting to feel Chaos next to me but I don't. Panic bubbles up in my chest and I shoot out of bed. I vainly search her room, only to leave and go to her office. Before I can knock I hear voices inside.

"Where is it? You said it was here!"

"I said I thought! Look, maybe you were mistaken. Maybe he's still dead."

"No! I know what I saw! We need him back to take his place, a female can't run a pack!"

I throw open the door and see two teenagers ransacking her office.

"Who the hell are you and why are you in my mate's office?" I question. My eyes are blazing yellow with anger. This belongs to her.

"Shit I told you someone would find us!"

"Run!" They come rushing at the doorway but slam into me instead.

"Get back!" I growl. They jump back in surprise. "CHAOS!" I yell.

"What's wrong, what happened?" she rushes into the office.

"I found them in here ransacking your office," I explain and slip my hand into hers to calm her down.

"Jerome, why are you and Jackson in here?" she asks them.

"N-no reason Alfa," the one who I suspect is Jerome answers.

"What did you hear Rhydian?"

"They were looking for something, what I have no clue. They said that they saw someone and that he needed to come back because a female shouldn't lead a pack," I explain.

She lets go of my hand and walks forward.

"Who did you see?"


She's on the boy in a split second.

"Where did you see him?" her hand is wrapped tightly around his throat. "WHERE?"

"In Texas. We saw him when your dad sent our parents there. Please stop, you're hurting him," the other rushes.

She throws the kid to the ground, "Don't ever come in here without my permission!" she rubs her temples." "Leave!"

The boys bolt out the door tripping and shoving trying to get out.

"Who's Nikolai?"

"Nix, it's my brother."

"So you think they saw him?" I walk over and wrap my arms around her.

"I don't know, I thought he was dead but the boys weren't lying." She lays her head on my chest.

"It'll be okay," I run my hand through her hair.

"If I ask you something strange would you answer me?"

"Yea. Why?"

"Can I mark you?"


"It's just when that girl kissed you it made me mad. I want every female to know that you're mine."

"If that's what you want ceann beag. You can mark me."

Chaos POV

"If that's what you want ceann beag. You can mark me," I hear him say.

I pull my head away from his chest and look into his eyes. The normal light blue a shade darker in the dim light of my office.

"Tha-" the phone on my desk starts ringing. "Hold that thought," I walk over and hit the speaker phone button.

"Alfa Chaos?"

"This is she."

"It's me, Alfa Jack. I was calling regarding one of my omegas, Kate Durahm."

"The girl that I lived with," Rhydian mouths to me.

"Yes, I know of her. Why would I be concerned about one of your omegas?"

"She said that you attacked her yesterday."

"I defended my mate from a out of control female in heat. No more no less," well, maybe more. Okay a lot more. "Is there anything more you wish to bring to my attention?"

"No, I believe that's all."

"Goodbye Alfa Jack," I end the call and walk back to Rhydian.

"So about what you said earlier," he trails off.

"Yea, I want to mark you. If it's okay with you."

"It is. In fact it's more than okay, I expected this. You're an Alfa, and Alfas like to stake their claim."

"So am I doing this now, or?"

"If you want," he picks me up and plants me on my desk. He moves in between my legs. "As long as you're happy. We could do this in a dump, and I wouldn't care," his lips softly press against mine.

His hands wrap around my waist and pull me closer to him. I grab the back of his neck, deepening the kiss.

"If we continue I won't be able to stop Lilas (lie-las)," he rests his forehead against mine.

I lean up and sink my teeth into this right shoulder. I feel his head fall forward and land softly in the crook of my neck. Warm metallic liquid pours into my mouth.

"C-Chaos," he croaks out.

I pull away and lick the wound clean.

"It should heal in about fifteen minutes," I explain.

I pull his shaking frame closer to me.

"T-that was new," he breaths out.

"It was stronger for you because you were an omega and I'm an Alfa. Give it some time to calm down," I run my hand through his hair. "Dad always said Mom reacted this way."

"Whoa! Didn't see that coming."

"I think I'm good now," he mumbles and pulls away. "So your mom was an omega?"

"Yea, she was part of a rival pack. They met when dad went with his father to work on a treaty," I tell him.

Written on February 24th, 2016

Published on April 24th 2016

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