Premonitions| Chapter 6

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The second class was not as bad as the first, and the third was even enjoyable. Pippa never thought about teaching "it's too drab and dreary" she would tell her mother, but then again she never thought she'd be an assistant teacher at Hogwarts. After a few weeks of classes, she was getting used to her new life and getting used to the Weasley twins calling her "Your Lateness" It seemed to catch on and made her more likable and approachable which, was something Pippa observed the other Professors lacked. Although, most everyone agreed that Professor Dumbledore was the most knowledgeable wizard of his time. So if ever a problem arose that needed some extra attention he would be the first to go to, but what Pippa couldn't conceive, after three weeks and 5 days, was that Dumbledore would be asking for her help that very evening.

"Ms Drake, forgive my intrusion but there is an urgent matter awaiting you in my office." Professor Dumbledore extended his arm out into the hallway of her room.

Pippa, not one to argue proceeded down the dark corridor and out of the dungeons briskly leading the way to the headmasters office.

"What's the matter professor?" Pippa asked slowly.

"I'm afraid it's something you have to see for yourself my dear" Dumbledore let out a worrying glance in her direction causing her throat to seize up. not here, not now, it can't be she thought.

Dumbledore's office was wide open and faint sobbing awaited inside. No no no nonononononono...

"Pippie?"  her voice was harsh and weak.


Pippa's mother was soaked in tears, shaking and brushing her tangled hair off her face embracing her daughter. This was cut short by a hand producing tea in their direction. They each took a cup and thanked the headmaster.

"What happened?" Pippa asked more to Dumbledore than to her mother.

"Your father...Pip...they came looking for you, they turned the house over...I told left...I didn't know where to go....I" She trembled between sobs.

"I'm so sorry baby" Pippa's mother reached her hand to her daughter's knee.

"Your father is dead" it can't be true

Pippa stood up from her chair.

"No! You're lying! Headmaster, she just wants me to go home with her, she can't stand that I'm here, she can't stand that I'm happy for once, she has to try and ruin it!"

Dumbledore bowed his head solemnly.


"Pippa, I'm afraid it's true...and you and your mother are in grave danger" Dumbledore walked over to Pippa and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I need your help Ms Drake, as I am at a loss.  I know this is difficult, but it is imperative that you think hard. Who would want to hurt you?"


Pippa awoke in the infirmary jolting upright and panting. Madame Pomfrey leaped into action, she placed a damp cloth on her forehead and checked her pulse.

"Sh Shhh Shhh deary, everything is alright now"

"What the hell!? Why am I here!?"

" Pippa, lie down please, there were reports of you screaming and shouting in your room, so naturally I was called to your aid, and we rushed you up here" Madame Pomfrey whispered as to get Pippa more calm.


"Professor Snape made the report"

Of course he did, probably his good deed for the day ...
And sure enough, the midnight man was hunched over in a wooden chair next to her bed, worried.

"What happened to me?"

"I....I don't know"

As she spoke Dumbledore entered the hospital wing,his cloak bellowing his entrance.

"Ms Drake, I am glad to see you well"

"Headmaster, we don't know if she is..."

"Thank you Madam Pomfrey for your help, but I can assure you Ms Drake is well enough to go back to her room, a familiar bed can do wonders for the soul I find."

He was right, Pippa felt fine, just....sweaty.

"Severus, I need a word"

Snape stood on queue and followed Dumbledore outside the hospital wing

" I feel fine, just a little shakey" confirmed Pippa weakly.

"That man, honestly one day his mouth is going to get him into a lot of trouble" She turned to Pippa who was already putting on her slippers ready to leave "If you are sure my don't have to listen to everything he says you know."

"I'm sure it was just a night terror, I used to have them when I was a kid anyway, Goodnight Poppy"

As Pippa slowly made her way down the corridor she could hear Professor Snape and the head master talking in the distance

"Headmaster, she is just a girl"

"Severus, you and I both know this day would come"

"But so soon? Is it wise to let a nineteen year old girl make that choice.... Look what happen to the Potter boy. If she were to go out into the world she would get killed!"

"Severus please, keep your voice down!" Dumbledore paused and added more quietly "We need to keep her safe, to help her."

"Why me?" Snape reacted.

"We are not prepared, that much is obvious, but we have something he doesn'"

"Headmaster, I'm not ready..." Snape pleaded.

"Nor am I, and neither is she, but we have no choice" Dumbledore sighed.

There was an audible silence between them.

"He has already made contact"


Thanks so much for reading xxx


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