Lost Love| Chapter 7

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Three weeks later...

Pippa hung her head in her hands and massaged her temples. The classroom was quiet except for the scratching of quills on parchment. The grand clock ticked away behind her, with each passing minuet more unbearable than the one before it. Fred Weasley got up out of his seat and slowly made his way to the front of the room.

"I've finished Ms Drake"

Pippa peeped up from her fortress and reached out to receive Fred's paper.

"Are you.....alright Ms Drake? You seem a little...Snapeish"

"Snapeish" Is the term the twins like to use for one being pale and blotchy, something most people would consider to be unwell, but perfectly normal for the Professor.

"I'm fine Mr Weasley, now get back to your seat" She snapped loudly.

The class stopped writing and turned to them

" Sheesh! I was only asking, no need to snape at me" He teased.

The class snickered while Fred went back to his seat to high five George

"Quiet down! Please, back to work" The class hesitated for a moment, "NOW!"

Just as the last syllable left her lips, Professor Lewit came through the door.

"Well, I never! Ms Drake I've never known you to make an outburst like that before, I shall very much like to see you in my office...aft..."

But before he could finish Pippa had stormed out of the classroom.

What is wrong with me? Why am I so tired, my head is pounding, my hands are sweaty...

"Lost Darling?"

"Not now Flitch" she sighed.

"I need to deliver a message"

"Well? Out with it"

"Professor Snape would like to see you, tonight, in his office, alone..." Flitch winked.

"Oh grow up" Pippa sneered.

She then proceeded to knock the dust bin he was carrying out of his hand, spilling the contents on the staircase.

" You missed a spot" She whispered in his ear and swept away to her room leaving Mr Flitch dumbfounded.


"What are you saying Pippie? You have a home, with your Mum and Dad. You have a job and a future. If this is about traveling, then why don't we take a trip, huh? Just the two of us." Eric took her hand and placed it between his own.

"I just need to do this, I can't explain why. Plus you don't have the money."

"But, I love you Pippie"

"I know you do, but if you knew who I really was, I don't think you would anymore"

Eric took a deep breath fumbled into his pocket and fell onto his knees.

"I give up, you've bewitched me with your magic powers!!!!" If only he knew...

"I love you more than you could ever know Phillipa Louisa Edith Drake, I may not have much money, but I know we will be happy..." Please god don't let him do this " None of us are perfect in this world but somehow I managed..."

"STOP!!" Pippa gasped then caught her tongue realizing people were staring.

"Please don't do this Eric, please."

Eric's eyes fell into his lap, he awkwardly laughed off his proposal.

"So you don't want to marry me I take it?"

Pippa couldn't look at him. She took in her surroundings. It was a beautiful park. Billowing trees and grass so green you dared to even touch it. the stream behind the park bench they were siting on even had some tiny little frogs croaking in harmonies. It was peaceful, perfect to think and reflect.

"I can't" She offered a smile.

" You think I'm nuts for asking don't you?"

" I don't think you're nuts, We're just....too young"

They both chucked.

"Come on, lets get a bagel" Pippa stood up offering her hand to her rejected fiance. He took it, knowing he had become a stronger and more wiser man that day.


Pippa quickly shut the door to her room behind her and leaned back against it. Her vision then focused on the pill bottle on her dresser. She walked over and picked up the bottle and popped one in her mouth. A sigh of relief flooded her body. Her guitar was bouncing in it's case.

"Alright, alright!, come on out"

It sprang alive and jumped onto her arms

"What shall we play then?"

The guitar started vibrating it's strings echoing a familiar tune.

"Scarborough fair?, You know how I feel about that song..."

The guitar insisted.

"Tell him to buy me an acre of land,Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme;Between the salt water and the sea sand,Then he shall be a true lover of mine."

Pippa's eyes became dewy, hesitating a little on the last line.

"When he has done and finished his work.Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme:Oh, tell him to come and he'll have his shirt,And he shall be a true lover of mine."

Pippa sang low and sweetly. When she finished there was a knock at the door.

Embarrassed Pippa said "Come in"

There stood a shadowing Professor Snape with his arms folded

" I don't know how things work where you're from Ms Drake, but in Hogwarts playing musical instruments when you are supposed to be teaching a class is..."

" I know, Professor. I'm not feeling well, Professor Lewit said I could leave" She lied.

"Very well, I don't see how singing helps..."

" It does wonders I can assure you, you should try it sometime Professor"

" You are so much like her..." Snape trailed off

" Like who Professor?"

Snape snapped back into his alert self

" Never mind" He barked " I only wished to make sure that you are aware of my request about tonight, Ms Drake"

" I Did"

"Good, I unfortunately failed to give you the time....8:45"

"Fine by me, what is it... regarding?"

He stood silent for a moment then sharply turned around shutting the door behind him.

Hmmmmm an evening with Professor Snape, how delightful.


Hello!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, Things have been a little crazy and I was unsure how to carefully continue the story, but now that I've got a clearer idea, updates should be more regular.

Thanks for reading xxx


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