The Waiting Game Part 2| Chapter 9

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The blanket fell from Pippa's arms

"Eric....Why.....are you..."

"Phillipa there is no one there" Severus said sternly

"Eric why are you not coming closer so that we can see you?"

"I always told you what a clever and wise girl you are....Don't I Pippie?"

"Eric please, come closer, I need to see you"

A hooded figure crept through the darkened doorway moving, inching closer towards the startled Pippa and cautious Snape. The darkness consumed the room around them.

" Severus he is standing right in front of you...please see him" Pippa whimpered

Severus focused on the immediate darkness and waiting for a sound, a movement anything that would give an inclining of another life form in that room besides himself and Pippa.

"We have all been waiting.... such a looooong time, for you" Pippa's hooded figure spoke

"Now you will have to wait....wait, wait ,wait. You are not ready, you are not worthy, you are not willing.....

Pippa slowly reached over for a quill and parchment keeping her eyes and attention on the hooded figure, Snape's hand guided hers to the items.

"Follow the path of the ones before you.....leave no trace behind.....wait.....patience.....follow with your mind lead with your heart....clever, clean girl with the eyes of the ones before her...."

All was silent apart from the scratching of the quill from her hand.

"The door is never the only way to get in"

Snape switching his glance from the air in front of him to Pippa's parchment.

" To dwell in darkness is dangerous, to live there...becomes familiar."

Pippa's quill stops.

" Listen, my dear girl, do you hear that?....wait for it......"

There was a knock at the door.

"I hope that's real!" Pippa mumbled as the Professor leaped to the door and opened it abruptly to find the Weasley twins standing politely with their arms folded neatly behind their back and with huge grins on their faces.

"Unfortunately...Yes" the Professor sighed "What do you want?"

"We came to see Ms Drake and was told she was hear..." Fred said, or it could have been George, I don't really know, you had to be there I guess.

"Now is not the best time, I suggest in future..."

Pippa signalled Snape to spare everyone his speech on so called human decency.

"It's alright I'll talk to them outside" Pippa stood up from her chair and brush past the Professor on her way out shutting the door behind her.

"We thought you might like these" They both recited and revealed some chocolates and roses from behind their backs

"Awwwww boys" 

"We are sorry for teasing you, and hope you feel better" George (I'm sure this time don't worry) empathised

"I'm sorry too boys, it's hard sometimes in a new place, you have to adapt and things can go a little..."

"Snapeish?" Offered Fred

"Yeah, I guess so" Pippa chuckled

"oooooh almost forgot, didn't know if you liked plain chocolates careful when you eat them...they might smack you 'round a bit" Fred said with a cheeky wink.

"Ooooh and the roses! If you pull the stem at the bottom they will blow up into rose confetti, a little messy but a lot of fun on a marking night, a nice touch from your's truly" George chimed in bowing at the end.

" You guys never cease to amaze me! You'd better run along if McGonagall catches you up and about... "

"Say no more Your Lateness we are on our way!" Fred saluted  and skipped down the corridor while George was left standing awkwardly with his hands shaking.

"George is something the matter?" Asked Pippa

"Oh I just um....wondered......about my marks, just about my marks."

"Well, your recent essay on the common muggle sweeping broom was....adequate although you did confuse some facts with Quidditch flying techniques, but apart from that...."

"I'm 17 you know, Ms Drake"


"Practically a grown up"

"Uh huh"

" I've been thinking..."

"Mr Weasley"

"Maybe you might possibly.."


"If you're not busy later..."

Pippa  raised her hand to George's face signally him to stop. George lowered his head.

" George, you know why this isn't the best idea. You're.....

George made perfect eye contact with the hesitant Pippa, a glimmer of hope in his keen eye.

A good kid"

The kid smiled and bowed politely gesturing dramatically as he did so, and then left to follow his no doubt confused brother.

What the hell? Pippa thought I have witnessed some strange things this evening but wow...

Snape...shit, he was in there the whole time!

Pippa barged in the door to find two empty chairs, one with the blanket neatly folded and on top the scribbled hand of Pippa's ink.She grabbed the parchment and left feeling all shook up and slightly queasy.

Where did he go?  She thought as she marched down the corridor she cheeks getting hot and flustered.  Did he hearwhat Geroge was saying and left? Oh god maybe he's gone to tell Dumbledore....I can't lose my job! It wasn't even my fault! Maybe he was jealous. Don't be stupid women Snape can't feel those things, especially about me!

What the hell am I thinking! Brain are you not even going to acknowledge what the shitballs happened to me? With doppelgänger Eric/ creepy voice? This is too much. I can't

Pippa pushed open the nearest door and hoped to god there was a sink inside or a large bucket.....


Well well well, it's been a loooooong time! Like a year. Whoops. Is anyone still out there? Or will we have some new readers? Either way enjoy and have a fantastic January!

Thanks for reading! xxx


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