||Your Bias||-Special Chapter-||

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Y/N walks opens the door looking at the once full house now empty. Looking at how the expensive glass vases on the grown shattered across the wooden floor. Seeing how the once lovely flowers are now dead making the mood of the house completely different from what it use to be.

She sighs as she walks in making sure not to cut herself. "What happened here?" she sighs even though it wasn't supposed to be a question. Heading towards the kitchen she looks at how Jin and her would always cook in here.

Sighing as she grabs the broom stick sweeping up the glass. They got into a fight last night this one much more dangerous than their usual fights. Glass on the floor, bed sheets torn, precious pictures thrown away. "I guess he cares about his career more than me" she sighs looking at the cracked frame of the two smiling with each other.

You could guess it got too much to handle. I mean he had his work and her to deal with she says that she couldn't blame him he always came home with a bad attitude so she didn't really bother him. And you could also guess he just snapped yesterday, badly.

The tears falling on her cut finger tips she frowns 'did we break up?' Yesterday's fight was pretty big but she didn't hear the words Break Up come out of his mouth. Y/N was scared trembling as her fingers shake in fear. They can't break up he's her life she can't do anything without him.

Hearing the doorknob jiggle she looks up at the door as it opens revealing a tired looking Jin. She looks back at the glass picking them back up with the broom. "Y/N" he whispers taking off his hat. "It's fine" she smiles getting up. He looks at her, eyes of pity he knows she hides her feelings and it does no good for her. She's always hiding her feelings thinking its a burden to others.

He sighs stepping closed but to his surprise she steps back. Raising the small broom in her hands along with the dust pan "Jin I'm fine" she repeats but tears invading her eyes. "Baby" he whispers. She looks at him tears falling down her face. She bites her lip looking away. He hugs her letting her cry on his shoulder "Jin" she sobs on his shoulder.

He hugs her tighter kissing her softly on the shoulder. He can't believe he hurt her that much yesterday especially after she did nothing. She needs to know that he needs her and that he loves her with all his heart. And nothing will change that. "Jin?" She whispers looking at his handsome

"Shh it's okay" he smiles leaning down to kiss her sweet bright pink lips whispering a promise in her ear,

"I promise it'll never happen again."

She smiles nuzzling her head into his neck her head s bit dizzy. "Are you tired jagi?" He asks she nods her head tiredly swaying herself back and forth. "Come on sleepy head" he smiles picking her up as if she's a bride and taking her up stairs. He looks at her as she clutches his shirt tightly.

"You are so beautiful" he lightly whispers walking into the room with her. Putting her gently down in the bed he puts the blanket over her and turns to leave not wanting to disturb her precious sleep. But something grabs the back of his shirt "don't leave" she whispers.

He looks back at her as she pleads. He smiles bringing himself into the bed with her. Kissing the crown of her head he smiles watching as she falls back asleep hugging his waist,

"You know I'll never leave you."

"Jagiya!" Suga runs to Y/N backstage "did you see me?" He asks sweat dripping down his face but still managing to stay happy. She looks at him with eyes of pity 'you need to tell him Y/N' "Suga I have something I wanna tell you" she chokes out those 8words that were lodged in her throat.

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