Take It | Kim NamJoon(RapMonster)

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"31Days, 31Days, 31," NamJoon sighs kicking his feet as he sits on the ledge of the 64building. Grabbing his aching chest in pain, he's not supposed to be in cold climates with his lung cancer.

He's supposed to be in the hospital, taking his pills, and doing whatever he can to help him stay alive. But, he just wants to spend his life doing what he wants, of coarse with the last 31days he has he should at least mark one thing off his bucket list, right? That's the least they can let him do.

NamJoon chuckles at the sigh of the people below him, some couple arguing about the snow in an adorable way. "Maybe I should get a girlfriend" he chuckles. "I'll probably die when I meet her though" he rubs his forehead as he makes his down from the ledge. Rubbing his cold ridden fingers, he breathes hot air on them.

An effort to try and keep them warm.

Opening the roofs door he makes his way down the stairs until he finally reached the elevator. Hitting the button he opens it finding no one in there. But, what was he expecting? Someone to be in the elevator at 10pm and scream at him for leaving the hospital? That's impossible. But, then again that is what he wanted. For someone to just at least care if he left.

For someone to yell at him, grab him by the ear shouting at him for leaving, to at least show that they care for him. For someone to take care of him. Not once was he visited by his family everyone except his mother, the only one who cares and cries for him. He stares at the empty elevator in sadness, walking into the gold mirrored room.

His sighs the only thing filling his ears. As he stomps his feet towards the small room. Clicking the lobby he looks at his pale sickly face in the mirror. Smiling while bringing his fingers to his face, in the form of a peace sign. Smiling adorably to himself. He chuckles as the doors open.

Walking through the lobby he gives the desk assistant a light nod of head before leaving.

Walking along the cold pavement, he lightly swings his freezing arms back an forth. Patting his chest as he coughs from time to time.

Sitting down on a frosty blue bench, he hangs his head low as he stares at his fingers playing with them, still coughing from the excessive cold. Clutching his thin coat around him even more, NamJoon curses himself for having to come out in this cold winter. Then again he is enjoying the quiet, calm and peaceful mood.

The complete opposite of the screaming he hears the hospital everyday. His breath hitches in his throat and he ends up coughing again. This one much harsh then the ones before. He coughs so hard that tears come from his eyes from the pain.

Until he feels a soft hand patting his back helping him stop the cough, he turn around finding a beautiful girl, with mismatching eyes, one light blue, the other golden brown.

Coming around the bench before handing him a honey flavored cough drop. "Take it" she smiles her voice so feminine and beautiful it's hard to pay attention to the cough drop.

He takes it, his heart hammering against his chest. Watching as she eagerly walks away. 'Just like the rest' he sighs popping the cough drop in his mouth. He finishes it, his thoughts nothing but negative about the girl but, his thoughts of her are shattered once she comes back panting.

With coffee in her hands, as she smiles the most sincere smile he's never seen, still standing she laughs at his face before saying, with her soft beautiful voice,

"Take it."

NamJoon unknowingly smiles before taking the hot drink into his hands, a wide toothed grin plastered on his handsome face.

"Thank You."
Sorry it was short, and late but hey I'll update ok another one as soon as possible.

Btw, a hint it's a JungKook one!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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