The old beggar women

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'Hey', she said . her perky voice startled me. I turned around , I had prayed for this to happen she and me had met again .
She wore a black skin tight jeans and a white T-shirt, her face glowed. She had translucent pink lip gloss with tiny glittery bits on her lips . Her hairs slightly wavy came all the way down to her waist   my heart was in my mouth.
'Rupal',she said. ' you remember me ?
Did I remember her ? I wanted to tell her I had never seen a girl beautifuler than her. The oxygen flow to my lung had stopped .

'Of course', I said. I adjusted my black T-shirt and blue jeans.
Her phone rang . she took the Samsung instrument from her jeans pocket.

'Hi Rohan ', she said . 'yes, I will be coming tonight . all good.
Who the hell was Rohan ? Her boy friend ?

"Cousins,you know; she said. 
'Yes, it gave me a relief .
Perhaps I should have waited to fall in love with her . I had a little control over my feelings but I was in love with Rupal more beautiful girl on the planet .

You made friends here ? She said
'Not really', I said.  You ?
I have some classmates form school .
'I hope I can adjusted ; I said .

Cafe ? I said
She looked at me some what surprised . I kept a straight face.

A group of college students buzzed inside the cafe. They didn't have juice so Rupal settled a   coca-cola zero. I ordered a cold coffee .

It was a lovely day with Rupal .

My vision of the past breaks with a loud bang of thunder.  It got dark out there.  The door bell ran , I went out to open the door .
There was a old lady beggar .

'God, please help me ', she said.
'Sorry , I can't do any thing for you ' , I said. She caught my hand tight . I got goosebumps all over my body.  She looked into my eyes. 

'Auruv Roy ', she said . in a low deep voice.
'Hey, leave my son' said my father.
I came back into my room thinking of the name she just said .

                            TO BE CONTINUED

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