Rose and Thorns(pt-1)

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Its been weeks we never met , its been weeks we never talked. But today when I was lying on my bed a pigeon struck my window. I opened it and found a scroll in it. I opened it.

Jai , I want to meet you this evening at the ground near our college. Please do come .

I was there by time that evening. I saw her coming my heart melted.
'You wanted to meet me ?', I asked.
'No, I thought you wanted to meet me , she said surprisingly.
'By the way I wanted something to say it you ', she said.
'Go on, I said.
'I'm leaving'.
'I'm leaving form India , she nodded as she said.
I looked at her shocked. She gave me her hand bad and pointed at the first zip . puzzled , I reached over and opened it. It had a few cards.
'Take one ', she said.
I picked up one .
'Open it'.
Inside , I found a cream colour envelope on top a silk pouch. The card on the pouch had 'R and v' on it.
She gestured with her eyes that I look further . I held the envelop in one hand and the pouch in the other . I put the pouch aside and opened the card.
I read a couple of lines and my heart breaks. it had :

Aakash khaturiya and Rekha khaturiya
Humbly invite you to the wedding of their daughter
Rupal khaturiya
Vijay Arrora
(S/o Harish arrora and Reena arroa)
On 1/1/2015 at 8:30 p.m
At ITC Grand Chola, Chennai.

I kennel down on the road frozen. I clutched the card like a stress ball.
'Iam sorry, it happened so quick ', she said.
Shock waves ran through me .
'You are getting married?' I whispered , my tone unusually calm,my gaze still averted. I wondered if I should act supportive. I wondered if I should ask her about the preparations , or if she needed any help. I stopped myself. I felt I was indeed a toy.
' will you come ?',
'Where ?'
'The wedding . I invited you.
'Lets see ', I said.
'Please do come , if you love me , I don't have a choice , you have to save our love ', she said.
'Iam sorry ,jai , if I hurt you. She reached into her car. The car took a left turn and was soon out of the sight.
I came home . I took a glass and smashed it on the floor and it crashed with an explosion. A small peace of galss entered into my palm . a drop of my blood fell on the diary of Auruv Roy the diary which I found it form his writing desk. As the drop of blood fell on the diary the words appeared in dark red colour.

1950 ✏

A stormy day , winds blowing heavily roads flooded and dark Columbus nimbus clouds covered the sky. That morning Aakansha was born in a village called shanthi.Ms.Singh (Aakansha's mother) was unhappy as she felt it was of no use giving a birth to a female Chile she was supposed to be killed. Mr. Rakesh Shingh ( father) did not agree with her statement he decided to keep the girl. They lived in large home it seem more like a palace. Aakansha's mother was the head of the village. The village wasn't suppose to take any decisions by them self's. There was celebration in the village , villagers bought gifts for Aakansha.

Aakansha was beautiful and cute from her birth. Mrs.singh wasn't happy at all as she thinks her daughter is going to get married one day and leave. Same way there was another village names "Thiruvani". Both a village were against each other. No villager is suppose to cross the border of their village.


Years passed by Aakansha was 21 now . she was in love with a Auruv Roy . A boy who was the son on 'Thiruvani's heads son. There was a single college in the village. Aakansha knew that her mother will never allow her marry the boy she loved.
One night they made love. The night Aakansha couldn't forget.

I= Auruv Roy.

I got up and found Aakansha missing. I went out but didn't find her anywhere. Suddenly I was attacked by a glass bottle on my head and I fell unconscious.
Aakansha was likely to be kidnapped and was taken to her Home . she had come back to home after 4 years.
'Where were you for 4 years ?', asks her mom.
'I was in thiruvani ', said Aakansha.
' get ready early tomorrow morning , some one is coming to see you', said Mrs.Singh.

Next morning as Aakansha got ready can came down to the living area. She saw a boy with her parents. The boy wasn't good looking and this tone also wasn't so good.
"Oh , when did you arrive ?', asked Mrs.Singh
'Just now ',Aakansha said.
'Why don't you both privately talk for a few minutes', she said.
'There is no need mother', said Aakansha.
'I can't marry him ', said Aakansha.
I love Auruv , Aakansha said. Mrs.Singh's eyes opened wieldy .
'Who is he ?'
'He is my husband?', said Aakansha.
" its not time for a joke , and I see you have grown fat", said Mrs.singh.
'I haven't grown fan , i m pregnant', said Aakansha. Mrs. Singh got up furiously and the tea cup falls form her plate and crashes down.

Aakansha was locked her room and was not given food.
'Its all happening because of you 'said Mrs. Singh to her husband.
'It was you who sent Aakansha to study there' she said.
'I did it cause you never gave her the freedom of doing anything', said Mr.Singh
"Freedom" , she is pregnant , and this is all because of you , screamed Mrs.singh.
Aakansha breaks the lock of the door and rushes to the terrace of the home. She was shocked to see her mother holding a gun towards her father.
'Come here dear , shoot him ', said Mrs.singh placing the gun in Aakansha 's hand and asked her to shoot her father.
"Go on , shoot him now ', screamed Mrs.Singh.

'Wait' came a voice form behind.
Auruv walked up.
'Auruv , what are you doing here?', asked Aakansha. Auruv didn't give a response to the question.
He stood straight pointing the gun at Mr.Singh and shoots Mr.Singh.

Author's note : why did Arurv roy shoot Mr.Singh ? Any guesses please comment bellow .

Hi guys I guess you are enjoying the story. Sorry for the grammatical errors. I have exams on head and I want to complete this story as soon as possible . if you liked the story then do vote and comment.

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