The Happening

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I opened my eyes and found my self on my bed . I got up and sat straight on my bed, I felt pain in my body. It was still raining. The schools and colleges declared a holiday due to rain. There were few knocks on the door .
'Jai, said a sweet girl's voice.
'Come In  ', I said
'How are you know ?',she asked.
'Little better , I said with a smile and don't get so worried about me , I added.
'Bow can't I ?', she said and gave me a hug , her perfume was beautiful.
'Want to hang out ?', I asked.
'No, not until you get well ', she said.
'Iam always fine for you , I said.
It was the most romantic chaat we had on the street stall in the romantic rainy weather.

-a few months ago (June-2015)-

'Is every thing okay?', she said taking a sip form her drink silently.
'Uh huh, nothing is fine', I said in a sad voice .
'What happen?', she asked. And I said nothing was going fine in my home. Sometimes it made me feel that I was adopted.
'Shut up', do you even know what are you saying ? She said loudly.
'Ya ,ya , they don't even understand me , I don't feel that love ', I said.
'Aww baby , close your eyes ', she said.

She guided my right hand to her back. Her gown was backless and I felt her smooth skin . she removed my red T-shirt. I removed her gown.
She unzipped a side zipper and stepped out of it. We kissed , we touched . out lips never stopped kissing , every moment felt special as we made love.
'You okay ?', I asked.
She nodded . she brought her face close to my ear to whisper.
'More then okay , I'm great ', and you ?
'More than great ' I said.
We cuddled afterwards. Her skin glowed in the morning light , her eye brows were still perfect.

We had practiced for less than fifteen minutes where she got a stomach cramps. She helped her stomach and gestured to stop the dance.
I'm not fully okay after that viral attack , she said.
' I need to rest ; she said . I dropped Rupal to her home and came back to my home. My dad was drunken.

' where were you? ', hr asked me in a drowsy voice
' no where , I just went to my dance class ', I said.
' so dance is more important then studies it seems', he said.
'Jai , get into your room', interrupted my mom.
' Are you going to the dance class or hanging out with that girl ?', he said.
I turned around thinking how did he know I'm with a girl. He walked towards me . I got goosebumps all over my body , there was a second of silence which brakes when he slapped me on my face Turing it red.
'You Rome with these girls out look at your marks, he screamed.
' from today you aren't meeting her nor he', he said.
I slammed by door and sat down on the floor with tears in my eyes and lookin those photos which I took with her.

2015 this month (November)

Hey guys I hope you are enjoying this story , I will really appreciate if you vote and comment too. Next chapter is on the way. Thanks for reading.

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