ROSE and THORNS (pt-3)

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Aakansha came to Chennai . The city was unknown to her , the language , the people. She didn't have money , she had nothing , she started appearing like a old beggar women. One night when she was walking on the road with her baby ( Sushanth Roy) she met with an accident. The doctor said it would be difficult to save her.

Sushanth Roy was sent to an orphanage. It was a stormy day. The man who admitted Aakansha in the hospital was a friend of Auruv Roy he called and said him that Aakansha was dead but she wasn't dead she was alive. A couple adopted Sushanth Roy allies Jai. He was named Jai.

Present (2015)
I closed the diary in shock , knowing that the old beggar women was no one but my own mother. I didn't know what to feel, happy or sad.
I just wanted to meet shruti. I went out to the living room and opened the fridge.

'Oh , wow wine !', I said my self.

I picked the bottle and walked out of my home in the rain. I stood down of Shruti's home and called out her name loudly.

'Hey, what do you want?', the watch man asked me.
"Shruti Joshi", I said in a drunken voice. Hearing my voice Shruti came out to her balcony , we made an eye contact. Until then few guards surrounded me and bet me back and blue.

'Leave him!', screamed Shruti.

I was taken to the police station and was locked up on the jail . no one bothered to come form my home to see me. My legs were tied with steel chains , so that I couldn't escape. Next day morning a pigeon cane into my jail It had a scroll tied to its leg. It had :

Sushanth, this is Shruti ❤ . sorry for what ever happed last night. The wall between us is getting stronger to separate us forever. Stay strong.
- Shruti Joshi ❤

I didn't have pen to write a reply. I hit my hand against the floor and broke my nail. I wrote the reply with me blood using my finger as a pen.

'Another low depression is formed in the bay of Bengal', said a police officer to the other.
'Oh , yeah I heard about it too and it's also going to bring heavy to very heavy rain fall they say', he said.
'Yeah that's true ', said the other police officer.
It rained through out the night and the sound of thunder shook the walls of the police station and the water was also dripping form the ceiling. It was morning, the clouds did not allow the sun rays to touch the surface of earth , in the same way as the wall between me and shruti didn't allow us to get together.

15 Years ago , year: 2000✏

I met Shruti on my first day of school. I felt something in my heart , but I didn't know it was love. We use to chat during the class hours passing letters written in bits of papers. I was completely in love with her and so was she. She always wanted to become a writer. I use to read her stories.
One evening , shruti had her ear plugs on , hearing music form her MP3 player. While crossing the road her shoe lace opened , she sat down tying her lace. While a car was coming at a speed form her right. I called her but she didn't hear as she had her ear plugs plugged in. I ran to save her , I pushed her out of the way and got myself hit by the car. I fell down bleeding. I was admitted in a near by hospital. Shruti came with her parents to meet me and thank me to save her life. I lost my memories I didn't remember anything what happened before the accident.

✏ Present 2015✏ December

I got my memories back after I met with an accident again 15 years later this year where, I was diagnosed with retrograde amnesia and I only remember what happen with me before my first accident.

I didn't get Shruti's reply. My legs were tied with chains I can't even stand straight.
Chennai city was facing the worst disasters ever. The roads went missing as they were flooded. People were rescued form their home by boats. The air port was shut, flights were cancelled . the communication was shut and the power was also down . the Chennai city was switched off. That was the time for us to meet.

'Where are you going ?', asked Shurti's dad.
'To meet someone', she answered.
'You can't meet him', said her dad showing her the scroll which had my reply to her. And the pigeon was shot dead.
She tired to escape her dad caught her hand. She bit her father's hand and ran down stairs but her leg slipped and she fell down hurting her forehead. She was unconscious.
She woke up and she felt pain in her body. It felt like something weight a ton was placed on her body. She had very high fever. When ever she was asked something only one name comes out of her mouth , Sushanth Roy.

I was sitting on the floor of the jail . it was still raining . I felt cold as I had fever too. The water started entering into the police station as the road was completely flooded. I was so weak that I couldn't even stand straight. The level of the water kept rising. It reached my chest.

Shruti woke up as she heard me calling her name form faraway. She couldn't stand properly as her body pained. The struggles to walk forward to her balcony , I wasn't here. She turned back. She heard my voice once again, she turned back furiously , her leg slips and she falls down from her balcony form the Second floor.

I struggled out to get of my chain. I pulled my self above and my foot was bleeding. The water lever reached on top of me. I loosed my self. It rained continuously for three days and the city remained switched off.

On the fifth day , clouds set the sun free. The power was back and the communications began again. The book was revealed.
Peopled switched on the TV and the news showed ,Shruti Joshi , writer lost her life during the recent floods , when she fell form her balcony. And on the other side Sushanth Roy son of the best selling author Auruv Roy , lost his life. Auruv Roy's wife Aakansha Roy will be on the show tonight publishing Auruv Roy's last book "Rose and Thorns".

The reply that I sent to Shurti that her father didn't let her read had :
That time is not too far when we will be together forever . when the city will sleeps , that time we will get together. As true love is unbreakable.
- Sushanth Roy❤

Thanks for choosing Rose and Thorns . I hoped you enjoyed the story. So Sushanth and Shruti are now forever together.
Sorry for the errors , I have my exam so I just wanted to complete this story. Happy reading :)

........................THE END ...................

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