Rose and Thorns (pt-2)

153 23 9

Present (2015)
The lights went off , it was raining very heavily. The family staying on the ground floor had left their home. And at the same time I was thinking why did Auruv Roy killed Aakansha's dad? I asked my self. And I also remembered that the old beggar women said that the book will only accept its owners blood. There was a loud bang of thunder and it almost shook the chandelier in the center of the living room. Mom and dad still haven't come home from office.

I felt the house was no more safe to stay so I took my bag, I putted the diary in it and some eatables ,and came out on the road. The road was going to flood soon. I was looking here and there and within a flash of light I got hit by a car which was coming at a great speed. I fell on the road with my head bleeding by blood flowed with the rain water on the road. People gathered around talking shit.

I opened my eyes and found my self in the hospital with a thick heavy bandage on my head. It hurts.
' you are very lucky that someone had bought you here on time ',said the doctor.
'Who had bought me here?', I asked the doctor. It was the old beggar women. I saw her surprised.
'Thank you', I said. Rupal came in side.
'Baby , what happen to you?', she asked . I didn't respond to her thinking who is she ?
'Jai, how are you know?', she asked taking my hand in hers.
I pulled back my hand saying ,'who are you?
Rupal look at me shocked.
'Don't you remember me?', she said.
"I'm the one you love', she added.
'No, way ' i said.
Rupal burst into tears. The door slammed against the wall as my dad entered in.
'Son, what happen to you?', he asked.
I was like , who are they ?', I asked by self.
'My baby , don't you remember us ?', asked my mom crying.
'Iam your mother', she said showing me my childhood photos. I felt pain in my head and only one name came out of my mouth , shru .... Shruti Joshi and my eyes shuts.

'What's wrong with my son?', he asked.
' jai is diagnosed with " retrograde amnesia " and he remembers only the events before his first accident ten years ago', said the doctor.

The next time I opened my eyes I found my self in my bed room but I didn't recognized it.
How are you jai?', asked my mom entering into the room.
I turned back and side wondering.
My name is sushanth' , I said.
' who is jai?', I asked her.
'Oh, he is my son I guess he has gone out to play', she said and left the room with tears in her eyes. I took the remote and switched on the TV.
' good morning , look who is here with us this morning ', said the girl on the TV. Please give a huge round of applause for Shruti Joshi. My heart bet faster. I couldn't believe it was her she looked beautiful than ever before. 'But does she remember me?', I asked my self.
'So tonight twelve 'o' clock at your birth day your book will be released, how are you feeling?', she asked.
' well I'm very excited , I just can't explain how am i feeling ', said shruti.
' so guys if you want to wish Shurti Joshi on her birthday , come on the address given below.
I immediately noted down the address. I just can't wait to see her.
I asked my mom to take me there and she agreed.

We were there. I was waiting for her to come out in her balcony and wave her hand. There were lots of others fan too screaming with a same name Shruti. I looked at my watch it was one minute to twelve. The crowd increased. The clock strikes twelve and she comes out. The noise increased. Happy birthday ! I said her in my heart and I knew she felt it. She stood straight waving her hand and giving kisses in the air. The flash of the camera didn't stop for a second. I went closer to the entrance to her home to have a closer look. She was still beautiful. Something fell form her purse. It fell near my foot I bent down to take it.

It was a picture of me with her when we were like five. My eyes filled with tears. I screamed shruti, we made an eye contact. But after that she felt dizzy she couldn't stand straight she was taken in back. The guards pushed me back.

We came home and I went into my bed room. I kept looking the photo for hours. I kept the photo in my wallet safely after giving it a kiss form my heart.

I took Auruv Roy's diary once again and began it read. I for got everything but still I remembered what I read in this diary.



Mrs. Singh walks down and Auruv follows her. Aakansha couldn't believe on her eyes. She felt pain in her lower abdomen. Her baby was about to deliver. She was taken to her room immediately. Auruv was on his way home when a few men's gathered around him with iron rods and bet him black and blue. He fell unconscious bleeding. Aakansha was sad knowing the Auruv was the wrong guy.
'How could he do this?',she asked her self.
That night Aakansha was reading a novel. The winds blew were a signal to the upcoming storm. A pigeon came and sat beside Aakansha where she found a scroll tied in its leg she untied it and began to read it. It had:

Aakansha this is Auruv , listen to me I didn't shoot your father . when I was coming to your home to see you I met Tarun the one your mother want you to marry. He pulled me in and blocked my breath. He gave me an injection and which made me follow his orders. He said said me to go and kill your father cause your mother asked him to say so. She wants you to Mary tarun the a guy forma rich family. And when I was returing home she sent her men's to beat me up. I'm sorry if I have hurt you , it will be better for us not to meet again. Iam moving to Chennai city.

-Auruv Roy.
Aakansha sat down crying. She takes her gun from her drawer and enters into her mother's room.
' oh , I have a good news , you marriage date with Tarun had been fixed', she said.
" why did you do this?', asked Aakansha.
'Oh you didn't see he killed your father ', said Mrs.singh.
'Oh, enough of your story , I know 'Tarun injected a kind of drug into Auruv's body', said Aakansha.
'Cause I sad him to do so ' screamed Mrs. Singh.
Some one knocked at the door . the huge doors opened as Tarun entered In with is men's having a can of kerosene.
'Hi mother in law ', he said.
'Iam glad you are giving you lovely daughter in my hands and I wish you property becomes mine. I would take over your village. He brings his lips closer to kiss Aakansha but Aakansha slaps him. He pulls Aakansha's hair and pushes her down in the floor.
' you have made a big Mistake salping me , see your mother for the last time', he said. His men spread the kerosene all around Mrs.singh's room. Tarun takes out the lighter out form his pocket. He drops the lighter on the floor And the room catches fire in a second. Aakansha saw her mother brining in front of her but she was help less.

Aakansha tries to escape and Tarun shoots at her leg.
'Oh, sorry darling', he said as he left.
Aakansha also moved to Chennai city. Her baby was named as Sushanth Roy .

So readers what's going in your mind please do share by commenting bellow and don't forget to vote. And there lots more coming ahead. Happy reading :)

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