The Diary (p-2)

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I placed that diary in my book shelf. The pages in the diary were blank and old. My friends had called me out to play foot ball.
Ravi passes the ball to Raju and furiously kicks the ball hitting a goal. The goal keeper then passed on the ball to his team mate.
Vikram hardly kicks the all the ball hits the poll and gets reflected on my face with a bang and every thing went blank. I never knew what was going on but I just heard whispers , "give me the diary that diary doesn't belongs to you , give it".
I opened my eyes and found my self in the hospital in an empty room on a bed. The door of the room opened with a creaking sound and a lady walked in her face wasn't visible as she was wearing a hood but she was quite old.

'That diary can only show her words when a drop of its owners blood is entered in it', said the old lady walking out of the room.
I was discharged in the evening. I stepped into my home but I didn't feel the same . I felt as if I had come here for the first time.

"Where are we?", I asked
" what kind of question was that ' , said my mom.

I entered into my bed room. The doctor has advised me to take rest and not to go to school for three days. I laid down on my bed , it felt uncomfortable , I tossed and turned I wasn't able to sleep. But later I did sleep.

The clock struck twelve . I got up form my bed and walked into the living room sat on the stool and began to play a sad tone on the piano. I never heard the song I was playing but still I heard those whispers ," you know it jai , you know how to open the diary jai , do it".
The sound vanished as my mom entered into the living room.

' what are you doing here at this time?',she asked. There was no reply from me cause I was still sleeping.

I got up as the morning sunlight entered my room through the window. Rupal had come to see me. My dad had already left for office. She walked into my room and sat next to me on my bed. She hold my cold palm in hers , her hand was soft and warm. Immediately I had a vision of our romantic past, we were kissing we made love , and those romantic dates , and the rode side pani poori. Rupal wiped my tears.

'How are you?', she asked.
'I'm fine , i said trying to sit up straight.
Mom has left us alone in the room the only reason so that we get some time to talk and It makes me feel better. I began to say her about the diary and what old lady said me. And she silenced me with a kiss on my lips , her lips felt like strawberries.

'Don't think about it much' she said.
'Come on I want to take you somewhere ' I said.

I took her at the same abandoned place where I went on that rainy night the Roy's name plate still glowed. We entered into the house and I took her to the same writing desk. And something surprised me that skeleton which was here on the chair was missing today. Rupal waked into a room on the left. The house was very old. There were spider webs all around. There was a book shelf there with old dusty books . Rupal picked a book and wiped out the dust which was on its cover.

Book title : THE VOW
Author : Auruv Roy

She kept the book care fully in her bag . we came out of the house and saw the old lady beggar standing out.

"What were you doing in?", she asked.

- To be continued.
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