The Party

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It was raining by the time I took my watch . I took my phone and Dialed Rahul's number.

'Hello jai what's up?', he said
'Nothing much , are you free now ?' I asked .
'Yes i am ', he said.
I wore my rain coat and stepped out of my home . it was raining very heavily.

'What happen ?' He asked . and I said him about the old beggar women.
"Strange', he said.
'Yeah, are you attending Riya's birthday party tonight ?' I asked
'Yes ', he said.

My dad dropped me at Riya's home . the sign etched in gold on a black granite plague . concentrated yellow lights lit up a name plate , which merely stated Guptas. I had borrowed my friend's blazer and shirt . I adjusted my cloths .

I stepped inside . A maid gestured me to follow her. Two expensive cars an Audi SUV and a Mercedes Benz. I entered into the house , and found my self in a large living room with a shiny white marble floor. Glittering chandeliers hung form the fourteen foot high ceiling.

'Come this way ', the maid said .
We reached the main hall loud music and waft of cool breeze form the air conditioner. People chatted in small groups.

" hey jai, I heard a voice.
I squinted to find Riya waving at me form a distance. She walked towards me she wore a wine coloured dress ended six inches above her knees . she had dark red lipstick . she hugged me.

"Happy birthday ", I said.
'Thank you so much , and guess who else is here ?', she said.
'Who', I asked.
'Look over there ', she said in a soft voice.
I turned around , and there she was a tall girl she wore a black dress , she wored a dangling diamond and white gold earnings with a matching necklace and bracelet. She had dark red lipstick. It was Rupal.

'Why so late?' she asked.
'Took a while to figure out the routs' I said . she held my wrist and pulled me towards the crowed we walked towards the DJ where her friends stood.
'Ayesha, Ankita, Richa you know them ,right?' Rupal said.
'Yes , from the dance class.
'Of course', Ankita said. She brushed her hair away from her forehead.

We sat opposite to each other on plush white sofa in Riya's bed room.
So many guests out there , how are we supposed to be more private?
'Yeah,fine,I understand ', I said.
'Besides, I will see you in dance class on Monday, right ? She said.
'I understand how you feel , she said.

She got up to leave . but before she got out I pulled her back to me and hugged her tight.
'You are looking so beautiful, I said.
She silenced me with a kiss. Her lips felt like warm honey. She kissed me holding my face in her hand our tongues gently touched. And there was a loud bang of thunder and the lights went off.
'Rupal , where are you ?' I said. And there was no reply.
I lit a candle and walked out of the room it was a spooky sight . there was no one out .
I went downstairs to the part hall slowly and it was empty , suddenly some one kept a hand on my shoulder . I turned back furiously and gasped.
It was the old beggar women.
"Auruv Roy", she said in a deep voice.

Jai...jai .. I heard Rupal's voice. My vision breaked . I opened my eyes and found every one surrounded me .
I got up and sat on the bed.
'What happened jai ? ' Rupal asked in worried tone. I seemed to be confused what was going on ? I felt dizzy and just one work came form my mouth softly , Ru..Rupal .

To be continued

Thanks for reading , I hope you are finding the story interesting .I would really appreciate if you vote and comment as well :) . next chapter will reach you soon.

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