Chapter One

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"What the hell are you doing?"

Josh snapped his head up at the sound of his roommate's voice. Isaac was standing in the doorway of Josh's bedroom. The annoyed look on his face was almost comical as he took in Josh's pajama pants and the book in his hands.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Josh already knew what was coming, but decided to play along.

"Dude, it's barely ten o'clock. You look like you're ready for bed," Isaac said, exasperated.

"I am," Josh said shortly. He lowered his eyes back to the book in his hands. There was no way he wanted to go out with Isaac tonight. He had heard his roommate on the phone earlier talking about a party at the sorority a few blocks away. Josh had hurried into his room and settled down for bed in hopes of Isaac taking the hint. There was a moment of silence, during which Josh dared to hope that Isaac had given up easily for once. He heard hurried footsteps coming towards him and his eyes snapped up just in time to brace himself as Isaac leapt onto the bed with no grace what-so-ever. Josh let out a startled cry as the heavy body collided with his own.

"C'mon grandpa. You are going to this party with me," Isaac grabbed the book from Josh's hands and flung it across the room. It thudded against the wall and landed on the dresser, open. He pulled on Josh's arms until he stood on his feet and looked at him sternly.

Josh groaned. He had seen that look on Isaac's face before. There would be no getting out of this without being pestered to death. He honestly didn't know why Isaac still bothered. They had become friends during freshman year of college and now, at the beginning of their junior year, Josh was still awkward around women. Why Isaac was so determined to change this was a mystery. He had spent the last two years introducing Josh to countless girls with no positive results.

"Why are you still doing this?" Josh asked as he walked to his dresser. He pulled out the first shirt and pair of jeans he saw while Isaac plopped back onto the bed.

"I'm trying to help you. Is that so wrong?"

"Who says I need help?" Josh asked as he pulled a navy blue t-shirt over his head.

"I do. You're letting life pass you by. This is college! Time to let loose a little. Let go of your self-doubt, will ya? You're not a bad looking guy. If you just had a little confidence the girls would be all over you."

"Are you hitting on me?" Josh asked lightly. He was really just trying to deflect the whole believe in yourself topic. Isaac saw right through it, of course, but let it go.

"You wish," Issac pushed himself up off the bed and rolled his eyes. "We leave in five."

Josh just nodded and pulled on his old converse sneakers. He found himself wondering if Isaac was right. He had never thought of himself as necessarily unattractive. Were girls just picking up on his insecurities? He could see how that would be a turn off.

He couldn't help it though. He just felt so socially awkward when he was attracted to a girl. Memories from high school didn't help either. He was just not popular. After a few memorable rejections, he sort of just gave up on girls. He didn't even lose his virginity until last year and that wasn't necessarily a victory. In fact he wasn't even sure it counted because he couldn't even finish.

God, he was so pathetic.

Issac cleared his throat from the doorway. Josh jumped slightly. Then realized he had spent the last five minutes sitting on the edge of his bed, wallowing in self pity. Feeling like a pansy, he got up and followed Isaac out the door. He just couldn't see how tonight would be different than any other.


Malorie was thrilled as she unpacked the last box in her new apartment. She felt so independant, despite the fact that her parents were paying her rent for the first six months. She was living on her own for the first time in her life and a sense of pride swelled up in her chest as she surveyed her home. A lot of college freshmen stayed in the dorms, but her parents had thought this place was a great graduation gift. Looking around, she had to admit that they were right. It was a one bedroom apartment a few blocks off campus and she could decorate it any way she wanted. She had so many great ideas and couldn't wait to start shopping.

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