Chapter Twelve

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Isaac was still sitting in his reciner when Josh returned from the date. He only heard one set of footsteps so he knew that Josh was alone. Good. There might be hope for him yet.

He clicked off the television as Josh entered the living room, looking troubled. They needed to talk. Josh nodded in greeting to Isaac and headed towards his bedroom without saying anything. He probably wanted to be alone. Too bad. Josh stopped in his tracks when Isaac's voice cut through the tense silence.

"What have you done?" Isaac's voice sounded cold even to his own ears.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Josh said, but his face told a different story.

"Okay then. Where ya been?"

"Just on a date," Josh replied, shrugging one shoulder. "No big deal."

"A date, huh?" Isaac popped up out of the chair and excitedly walked over to Josh, patting his shoulder in a mock congratulatory way. "Well, that's great. You and Malorie?"

Josh's jaw clenched for a moment before he answered. He stepped away from Isaac with a frown. That troubled look was still in his eyes, the turmoil clearly visible.

"No. We're just friends." There was a serious lack of conviction in his voice.

"Really? Does she know that? Because that girl is head over heels in love with you." There, he said it. Maybe it wasn't his place, but it needed to be done, damn it. No going back now.

The words seemed to resonate in the open space. Isaac stood there and watched as various emotions flickered across Josh's face, starting with surprise. After a moment, he settled on a doubtful expression and narrowed his eyes at Isaac. There was a palpable tension in the room.

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"Yeah, right," Isaac said, sighing in frustration. "Maybe Malorie was right, after all."

"Right about what?" Josh asked quickly.

"I just talked to her on the phone 20 minutes ago. She said you didn't want her the way she wants you. Sounded pretty damn sure, not to mention heartbroken." Isaac looked at Josh in disgust. "I told her she was wrong. Guess not."

Isaac turned and started walking away. At least he had tried to help. Hopefully he didn't make things even worse. He wasn't mad at Josh, just disappointed. Before he made it more than a few steps away, Josh grabbed his shoulder, whipping him back around. He met Josh's questioning gaze with no surprise at all.

"Heartbroken?" Josh asked, uncertainly. Looking into his eyes, Isaac decided to change tactics. He erased all traces of emotion from his own face before responding.

"Yeah, bud. But don't worry, she'll get over it and move on eventually," Isaac smiled convincingly. "Hell, a pretty girl like that, she'll have guys like lining up to get with her. I might even have to hit that mys-"

His words were suddenly cut off by a fist connecting with his jaw. Before he knew it, Isaac was sprawled on the floor, looking up at a furious Josh. His face red as he glared down at him.

Isaac lifted his hand and tentatively touched his jaw. Damn, Josh hit hard for a human. He wasn't even surprised by this reaction, considering what he had just said about the guy's soul mate. He'd been lying through his teeth, but Josh didn't know that. At least the guy was finally showing some of what he was feeling for Malorie. If Isaac had to take a punch or two, it was worth proving a point.

"You stay the hell away from her," Josh snarled.

"Well, look who suddenly cares," Isaac said, getting back on his feet. Josh looked like he was about to throw another punch. Isaac put his hands up, palms out. "Whoa, calm down. I don't want your girl. And, trust me, she doesn't want anyone but you."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2013 ⏰

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