Chapter Five

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"Come in," Lucas' voice called out after he heard a sharp rapping on his office door. He wasn't expecting company, but any distraction from his review of the pack's property taxes was a welcome one. He felt his back pop as he stretched his limbs and let out a satisfied sigh as the door opened.

Lucas' eyebrows popped up in surprise when Drew walked into the office. He hadn't seen his sister's soul mate since he had to break the news of her death. Drew hadn't even attended the funeral, just fallen off the grid completely. He wasn't a member of this pack, so Lucas had no reason to seek the man out; but he had been wondering how Drew was doing.

Looking at him now, Lucas could hardly believe it was him. He looked terrible. Drew was only wearing a pair of basketball shorts, evidence that he had been spending time in wolf form, and his visible weight loss was startling. His stomach was concave and his hip bones were sticking out. His skin was pale and he looked positively sickly. Even his hair seemed dull and unwashed.

Lucas let his gaze travel to Drew's face as he aproached the desk. He looked like he'd aged ten years in the last three months. The lines of his face were deeper and his frown looked well-worn. But it was his eyes that sent chills down Lucas' back.

The once blue orbs were dark and emotionless. Lucas stared into Drew's eyes and felt that he was gazing into an abyss. This was a man on the edge of darkness. He was sure of it.

"Drew, how have you been?" Lucas asked, pleased that his voice didn't betray how rattled he felt.

"How have I been?" Drew repeated the question, his voice sounded deadly.

Lucas just nodded, unsure how to respond.

"Where is she?" Drew asked abruptly. His eyes finally betrayed an emotion at the words. They flashed with desperation.

"Who?" Lucas asked, afraid that he already knew the answer to his own question. Drew laughed darkly and a chill shot down Lucas' spine.

"Who? WHO?" Drew's voice rose to a near shout. "Where is Alyssa?"

Lucas stood from his chair and tried not to let anger overcome him. Drew's tone was accusing and it didn't help that Alyssa's death was still a fresh wound for Lucas. He knew he should try to be understanding of Drew's own pain, though.

The Alpha blood in his veins demanded respect, but he couldn't help feeling bad for the guy. The loss of a soul mate was an unimaginable tragedy. Also, he knew his sister had loved this man at one time. That all helped him speak with an unparalleled patience.

"Drew, you need to calm down. You're not thinking rationally."

"Just stop! Tell me where she is!" Drew begged. The desperation was in his voice now, too. Lucas started to walk around the desk towards Drew.

"Listen, Drew-"

"No, you listen," Drew suddenly looked angry. Furious even. "I'm sick of this shit. I get it, okay? I fucked up. But give me a break, will ya? I don't deserve this."

Lucas was trying really hard to work out what was going on. Drew wasn't making any sense. Alyssa was gone. There was nothing he, or anyone else, could do about it.

"You don't deserve what?" He asked calmly.

"Please, Lucas. Please," Drew's legs seemed to give out and he dropped to his knees with a thud as Lucas stood before him. His arms flopped to his sides and rested with his hands turned up on the carpeting. He bowed his head. Lucas could only see the back of his head from this angle, but he heard the way Drew's voice cracked. Utter sorrow laced his words.

Lucas hesitated as he comtemplated his next move. Drew's emotions were all over the place. It was impossible to predict what he would set him off at this point. The guy was acting downright crazy.

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