Chapter Nine

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Malorie awoke the next morning to an insistent pounding on the front door of her apartment. She glanced at the red numbers on her alarm clock and saw that it was almost 11:00. Damn.

It was a good thing that she only had classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. She really didn't mean to sleep in so much though. It had been that kiss. It had flooded her system with adrenaline and made it impossible for her mind to settle down even after she dropped Josh off at his own place.

The knocking on her door continued as she stumbled out of bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She slipped on her glasses and hurried to the door. Malorie flattened her unruly hair slightly before opening the door, just in case it was Josh.

Her eyes went wide and her jaw slack as she pulled open the door to reveal her brother. Lucas was standing on the doorstep with a serious expression. She felt her breath leave her in a rush.

"What are you doing here?" Malorie blurted out. She felt like that came out kind of rude, but she couldn't help it. A surprise visit was the last thing she expected. He just gave a little half smile in response.

"Well, hello to you too."

"I-I'm sorry." Malorie stuttered. Lucas just shook his head and pulled her into a hug.

"I missed you," he said into her hair. It felt like he wasn't just talking about the few days since she moved out.

"I missed you, too," she murmured.

"Can we go to lunch?" he asked, then glanced down at her clothing. He frowned slightly at her pajamas, "You didn't go out partying last night did you? And don't you have class?"

"Not today," she rolled her eyes at him. "And no, I didn't party last night." Malorie stepped back to let him in and closed the door behind him. Lucas led the way into her apartment, looking around curiously at her decor.

"Good. Now what about lunch?"

"Let me get changed."

Ten minutes later they were in Lucas' car and Malorie directed him to Dottie's. It was quickly becoming her new favorite spot for lunch. This time she got a grilled chicken sandwich. It was amazing, of course.

They were sitting outside even though it was slightly overcast. It wasn't supposed to rain until later. Malorie realized with a start that they were actually sitting at the same table she and Josh had occupied.

She and Lucas made small talk for awhile. Malorie had been filling him in on her classes and the job fair she planned to attend on campus next week. He nodded along and asked questions as if he were interested, but she could tell there was something on his mind.

"Okay, so again I ask: What are you doing here?"

Lucas set down his own sandwich and took a quick sip of his black coffee before answering.

"I really do miss you. And I'd been planning to come visit you soon," he began. Malorie nodded and hoped he was coming to the point soon. "But there was an incident this morning and I just had to come check on you. I guess you could say there's been a threat against the family."

"What happened? Was someone hurt or something?" Malorie sat down her own sandwich and leaned forward, urgently.

"Well, mom got a good gash on her leg, but she's probably healed by now." Lucas sighed and shook his head sadly. "It was Drew. He was in our house in wolf form. Mom didn't even recognize him, but I just saw him a few days ago, so his scent was fresh in my mind."

"Drew? You mean..."

"Alyssa's soul mate, yeah."

Malorie flinched involuntrily when Lucas said Alyssa's name.

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