Chapter Two

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Malorie felt her breath catch in her throat as she stared at her soul mate across the pool. He was incredibly handsome. Her gaze started at the thick brown hair that was waving slightly in the breeze and travelled down his straight nose. She took in his full, moist lips and strong jaw line before locking on his eyes once again. His bright blue eyes held hers for a moment and she felt warmth spread throughout her body. The sexual attraction was overwhelming in its intensity. She hoped he felt it too, even though he was a human.

She let her eyes roam his body. He was quite tall. Even from a distance she could guess that he was probably about a foot taller than her. He wasn't built extremely big, but she could just make out lean muscles under his casual clothes. His shirt stretched over firm pecs and his arm muscles were entirely visible. Desire slammed into Malorie as she imagined running her hands up his arms, over the smooth skin. Maybe if his shirt was off she could go straight up to the thick muscles of his shoulders and pull his mouth down to hers...

Malorie shook her head at her own thought. Her libido was suddenly out of control. She really needed to reign it in.

Her soul mate shifted his weight slightly and moved his gaze to her right. She him nod slightly and start to slowly weave through the thick crowd. She hoped he was coming over to her.

"Hello? Earth to Malorie!" Isaac practically shouted beside her. Malorie jumped and felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. How long had she just been staring at him? God, she really hoped she hadn't creeped him out. She turned to Isaac and saw that Amy had taken her leave. That was probably for the best.

"Do you know that guy?" Malorie asked, trying to sound casual and not like a giddy little girl. She nodded her head towards her soul mate and Isaac nodded immediately.

"Yeah that's my roommate. Why?"

"What's his name?" She asked, more forcefully than intended.

"Josh," Isaac said, looking confused. Malorie felt her face form a bright smile.

"Josh," she repeated. It came out almost like a sigh. Isaac raised an eyebrow at her.

"You have the hotts for him or something?" He asked, chuckling. The smile slipped right off her face and Malorie growled lowly at him.

"What the hell is funny about that?" she asked, heatedly. No one would make fun of her mate. Isaac dropped the amused look and put his hands up defensively.

"Whoa, calm down. Nothing's funny. It's just..." he hesitated for a moment, "you might have quite a challenge with him. He's not exactly a lady's man." Isaac looked at her almost fearfully. Clearly her reaction was disconcerting to him.

"Good," she said lightly. Hopefully that meant there was no competition for his heart. Isaac looked at her like she was crazy.

"What's with the mood swings, Mal?"

Josh was getting close to them by now. She could feel her body practically humming with excitement at being near him. She saw him working his way though the crowd towards them. His eyes were trained on Isaac. She wished he would look at her again. Although she also wished she had put more effort into her appearance tonight. She nervously ran her fingers through her hair, trying to tame it as much as possible.

"He's my mate," she mumbled to Isaac under her breath just as Josh approached them.

Whatever Isaac had been expecting, it wasn't that. He gasped audibly and actually dropped the beer bottle he had been holding. Unfortunately, it had been nearly full and practically exploded upon impact with the concrete patio they were standing on. Beer splashed all over the legs of everyone within a two foot area.

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