Chapter Eleven

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Malorie was covered in mud as she pulled her wet clothes back on. They clung to her body uncomfortably. She felt frozen to the bone, but there wasn't much she could do about that. At least the rain had let up.

She quickly walked back to her own apartment, receiving some odd looks from the few other people that were out braving this weather. Oh, well. These strangers were the least of her concerns.

Reaching her apartment at long last was a relief. She pulled the key out of her small handbag. Luckily, the bag was made of a material that wouldn't absorb water. Her cell phone had been saved by that.

She immediately walked into her bathroom and turned the shower on, with the heat on full blast. Malorie once again stripped out of her clothes, discarding them onto the bathroom floor with a wet smack.

A moan escaped her lips as she stepped under the shower spray. The sweet relief provided by the heat helped her muscles to finally relax. That made it easier to think. As she scrubbed her body clean with her exfoliating body wash, Malorie's mind pondered her situation.

After her run, she had decided that giving up on Josh wasn't an option. She could never give up on him, no matter what. Her feelings were hurt, but that didn't change her feelings for him. What she really needed now was some guidance. Things weren't going the way she expected. Her feelings had grown, but his appeared to remain platonic.

Turning off the shower and stepping into the steamy bathroom, she wrapped a towel around her body. Her mind remained a million miles away as she blow dried her hair.

She obviously couldn't confide in Isaac about this. Josh was his best friend and she didn't want to put him in that position. It wasn't fair to him.

Other than Isaac, the only person that knew about Josh was her brother. Lucas hadn't found his soul mate yet, but he might be able to offer some useful advice. She was considering telling Josh about werewolves. Maybe, when she explained about soul mates, he would be open to a relationship with her. Malorie knew she should really talk to Lucas about that first. He was alpha, after all. Spilling the secret to a human was a big deal. Soul mates were basically the only exception to the rule.

Malorie glanced at the clock as she headed into the bedroom. It was almost 8:00. On a whim, she decided she wanted to go home for the night. It was only a forty minute drive and her first class wasn't until 2:00 the next day. She would be able to talk to Lucas in person and pick up some of her warmer clothes. The weather had turned unnaturally cold for this time of year.

She pulled on some jeans and a random shirt before grabbing Alyssa's old denim jacket. She had worn it all the time and Malorie couldn't help but take it from her old room when packing her boxes. She popped the collar and inhaled deeply. The fabric still held a trace of Alyssa's scent. It smelled a little like oranges. Malorie's heart ached at the smell, but it made her feel closer to her sister. It was as if they were connected across their separate planes of existence. That was comforting.

Wasting no more time, she left the apartment, forgetting to even lock the door behind her.


Isaac sighed in content as he rolled off the blonde girl beneath him. He lay on his back with a satiated grin on his face. He had met Sonya the night before at the bar and had been hanging out with her ever since. She had stayed at his place the night before and they had spent most of the day at her apartment, other than his two classes of the day.

Sonya was a tall, thin girl with bright blue eyes. And she was amazing in bed. She was just so uninhibited with him. It was exciting.

She turned over beside him and propped herself up on her elbow. Her straight hair fell down onto his shoulder as she leaned in and pressed her lips to his softly.

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