7; Every Moment

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My hands, feet and mind are so busy right now, I actually confused which tables I was supposed to look after. 

Today was the first Tuesday of the month. very first Tuesday, Mel has these crazy deals that people can't pass up. He also requires the whole staff to come in today. Right now, it was only me, Emily, and another girl named Anne. She was older with kids and just working to pay some stuff off. Makani had brought his older son in and they're working their butts off. We kept the people happy and I was hoping it would die down soon. 

Emily and I shot each other a look and I tried to calm down. It was one in the afternoon and I really didn't want to have Damon walk home. 

Things between Damon and I still aren't right. He says things but doesn't give the full story. Like when I asked him about his day, usually he would give me a low down saying anything significant. Now he says fine, good, or okay. He won't talk to me and I think I know why.

Since my beach date, Mason has made an effort to call or keep in touch. I haven't seen him face to face in over two days but he was the last voice I heard before I went to bed and a text would usually wake me up. I felt just like a teenager and I enjoyed the giddiness that I never experienced. 

"Would that be all?" I asked, with a friendly smile on my face. 

They responded and I nodded off and went to another table, refilling drinks.  I heard the doors open and shut but nt sure who left. I kept going about my work and was glad I had my loose shirt on. It was one I wore often to work because it was the only comfortable thing I was allowed to wear.  I wore black pants but everyone wore them. My hair was up and I barely got to comb it this morning. Manny didn't want to do anything today. 

Another open and shut of the door.  I walked over to the table and started to clean up. That's when I felt it. Something felt like spot lights were on me. Like, something was here and watching me. I straightened out and looked around. I still felt them but I didn't know where. The Diver was a pretty small place but easy to get lost or not see something. 

I ignored the feel that seemed to only tug at me more.  

The time only passed and the feeling never left but I started to enjoy it. Instead of feeling awkward, I was now comfortable.  There were only a few tables left and I was beat. Damon had texted me saying he was at Jared's house. 

Emily and I now were together and everything calmed. She had this look of excitement and expecting. I was confused because she now looked like a dork. 

"Emily, before you give yourself a heart-attack, what's up?" 

She squealed and came close. I wasn't scared because she was happy and excited about something. I am sure by the way she in leaning to me, she was going to tell me. 

"You have a customer in the back." She whispered and looked with me. 

Mason was sitting by himself and he looked good. He had a smirk and waved. I gave a surpirsed one back and looked to Emily. 

"I'll handle it. Go take your lunch break." She winked before stepping out to go to my tables.

I tried to make myself more pleasing before I got to him but there wasn't much to work with. I wasn't sure how I got so dirty, it just happens. 

"Hey..." I said happy he was here. 

He stood up to greet me. He looked really good. He didn't do his hair but it went straight out but was flat on the top. It was hot and looked so soft.  His blue eyes held a sparkle in them and made me smile.  He was just in a black shirt that had some sort of design on it and black jeans. If things continue, I am buying him some colorful clothes. Nothing too wild but something other than black. 

"Hey, Cass. How are you?" He asked while his head was in my hair. 

Our hug was long and just what I needed. I clasped my arms and held him close to me. I liked feeling so small in his arms but he made me feel like the world. 

"I'm good. Happy you showed up. You?"

"Happy that you're happy." He said when we pulled away. He planted a kiss on my forehead and it was so cute. 

He made me giggle as we took seat. I asked if he wanted anything but he didn't. He instead asked me how my day was.  I had told him it went well and he told me about his. 

"So, Leah wanted me to ask you if you wanted to go out with her to Erik's bar." He said, giving me a weird look. 

I slid my smirk on and proceeded to ask, "Will you be going?"

He gulped and it was hot. He could only nod and I thought I did my job. 

"Then, yes, I will go."

He nodded forward, "She can go too. Kat volunteered to babysit so you shouldn't have anything to worry about."

I, once again, was more than happy with Mason. He always looked into things and thought everything over.  He did everything I usually didn't. He was quick and it just added to another thing I liked about him. 

"That's Emily." 

I looked over to her and she ran over to us. I guess she was staring and waiting for me to look. I creased my eyebrows with a smile. I could only chuckle and her giddiness to meet Mason.

"Hi! I'm Emily. I'm glad you have taken a liking into my best friend." She stated with her hand out. 

I covered my face out of embarrassment. This has got to be one of the most embarrassing moments in my life. Thanks for liking my best friend? Who says that? I heard Mason laugh.

"Yes, she's very wonderful. I'm Mason. I've heard much about you."

"Oh, I'm glad. Hope it's all good, right?"

I opened up to see Emily talking to Mason. She had pulled a chair over and was having a conversation with him like they were best friends. I rolled my eyes. I wasn't jealous but nervous that Mason would like her or get creeped out. I didn't want her to say anything stupid either. 

"I'd love to!" She yelled out.

She was going, I could tell by the hint in her voice. He smiled and looked to me. I now had a smile on my face.  Mason's only got bigger as he talked to Emily. I let them talk until Emil and I had to go back to work. 

Emily winked before she left. I smiled and looked back to Mason. He had this smile that just made him look happy to see me. It didn't help the smile on my face and the blush on my cheeks. He came close and tied our hands together. They swung at our side like the butterflies in my stomach. I looked up to him and him down to me. He came down and I went up and our lips met. 

A soft and gentle kiss took place. The simplicity of this made me want it forever. I would be okay if I could forget everything but this kiss.  I just wanted Mason.

It's funny how someone could change your life in a few moments. Just the way he looks at me makes me confident. I wasn't scared of anything when he was around. He made me feel like I was perfect. And I love every moment of it. 

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