21; He Knows PART 2

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He Knows. Part 2

Have you ever had an experience you just wish you could escape? Something where you'd rather be anywhere else and be doing anything to not have to go somewhere and do something? Or even have an escape? Something to hold onto and tell you everything would be okay?  It could've been anything. A pet, a blanket, or a person. I could think of several different things and I did not have one with me. 

Well, I wouldn't know right now if I did or not. But, I did feel a little bit better.

My senses were droned out. I could only focus on one thing right now and it's my thoughts and memories.

"Can we please not have this discussion?" I pleaded with him.

A sober sigh came from his lips, something I was unfamiliar with, "I'm afraid it's been long over-due. Cassadee, I'm so proud of you. I can help you now. I can be honest with you now. We can live together and run an operation. We can-"

"I'll stop you right there. What in the hell are you talking about?" 

At this time, I was not afraid. I didn't have to fear him. He was right and I had every right to be pissed off. What did he mean we could live together? I've lived with him all my life and he never wanted anything to do with me.

"Your power, Cassadee. You can be the saviour! I can guide you through and we can work together."

"I don't need you to guide me. You could've guided me but you've lost the chance and the opportunity. I don't need you ro guide me anymore. I've done well enough by myself."

He was confused, "Are you not happy to be the slayer?"

I huffed, "Hell no. I've got vampires chasing my ass because apparently I'm more beautiful and delicious than the rest. I've got a possessive Alpha on my ass because I'm not the perfect mate. I've got to take care of Damon and Manny for their own sake. I'm waiting for Manny to ask where his father is. Let's not forget about this crazy idea that my father's going to try and be a part of my life now because I was apparently chosen. And-"

I cut off there. I wasn't sure why or what caused it. I was aware that I was shaking, and my emotions weren't really clear to me. A ringing in my head told me I should stop and take a break. So, I did and closed my eyes...

And, here I am! 

I opened my eyes, slowly. I was in a room. It was plain and I wasn't used to things like this. I mean, the walls were white. The bed was white. There was no windows. Nothing but white everything. 

I frowned. I seriously couldn't figure out where I was. I slowly got up and the cold tiled floor met my bare feet. I wasn't sure if I had kicked off my socks or where my shoes were. 

I opened the door to reveal a long corridor. It was long and dark and it looked like it wouldn't end. So, I followed the wall. 

I had reached the ending of the darkness. The light revealed a small living-room. There was an ugly striped couch facing a small T.V. What I had failed to notice is the people in the same room...

"Miss Cassadee, how nice, you've finally woke up from your attack..."

Ammon. He was the last person I had expected to see. I had calmed a bit, knowing he wouldn't hurt me. 

"My attack?" I questioned, walking around the couch to take a seat. He walked and leaned on the side of the T.V.

"Yes, you had an anxiety attack. I had been treating you for anxiety when you had been living with me. That was until you disappeared..."

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