Chapter 14. Belle - You Can't Stay In There Forever!

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Hey guys!

Sorry about the terribly long wait, I am trying my best to stick to the updating schedule, but I've just gotten back from a trip to China...So everything is a little out of date!

I'm getting on top of it though, so I'll post as many chapters as I can for the next couple of weeks...

And then Uni begins. So I have no idea what will happen then! But I promise I'll do my best to update, but please understand that I will really need ot focus on my studies this year, so updates may be less frequent than I'd like them to be! 

We will survive :D Thanks for being so patient with me, and for sticking around! It'll be worth it, I swear!

Anyway, this chapter is a long one, I hope you enjoy it!

Don't forget to vote and comment! (There will be a new chapter next Monday, as per usual...And possibly a few more too! )

Much love, Andrea.


Chapter 14. Belle

I'm so bored.

After being trapped in this room for over a month...Almost two, now I come to think about it...I've decided that there is absolutely nothing to do in this mansion.

Well, that's partly my fault, I've refused to come out of this room since I found myself in it.

So I've trapped myself in here.

I know every inch of my prison, from the lavish four poster bed, to the mahogany dresser, fluffy carpet, opulent draped curtains, walk in wardrobe...It's a gorgeous room, I must admit.

I pad over to the wardrobe and step inside the smaller side room, the only other adjoining room is the ensuite bathroom, which I'm very thankful for.

The walk in wardrobe is fabulous, stocked with hundreds of dresses, from cocktail pieces to sweeping ballgowns, there's also a wall filled with heels, and a chest of drawers completely decked out with jewellery.

I wonder who's room this must've been, maybe someone related to the beast that has trapped me in here? A mother? Sister?

Did they pass away? Move out? Or something else...

So many questions...

My fingers trail along the hanging garments and I pick out a soft peach coloured sundress, tugging off my nightgown and swapping it for the new garment.

I use the tip of my toes to flick the nightgown into the washing basket within the wardrobe, before shrugging my way into the peach ensemble.

Thankfully, my dirty washing, towels and sheets are collected daily, to be taken and cleaned by the only other person I've ever seen inside this mansion, other than the Beast.

It's a soft spoken maid...So soft spoken that she's never actually spoken a word to me since I arrived here, perhaps she's been ordered to be like that?

But without fail, she comes by everyday to give me my meals and make my bed.

I don't mind her, she's become a good friend of mine, a quiet one, but a companion nonetheless. When she first started coming in, I attempted to make idle banter with her, but after a few goes at having a conversation with the silent woman, I eventually gave up.

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