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A man ran down a long, dimly lit hall, clutching papers under his arm.

"Detective! Detective, we found something." he shouted to another man that was about to leave the building. The man turned around, his expression grim and sullen. His hair was jet black, and his eyes were an interesting shade of grey. He looked at the papers the man was holding and narrowed his eyes.

"Must I even keep trying? We can't find anyone who did it. We might as well give up, abandon the case." he muttered. The man holding the papers sighed.

"Yes, I see that's it hard, but we have to figure it out. For those children..." he said. The detective laughed, but it wasn't an amused one. It was the kind of laugh that made you know that you said something you shouldn't have.

"I know you're new here, but don't let that clog up your brain. This case has been going on for thirty- four years. For thirty-four years, I've come up with nothing that will help those poor children. No one knows who killed them, and no one knows where the murderer went." he said. The man holding the papers sighed through his nose.

"Just take a look at these, please?" he asked. The detective's brow furrowed.

"Did all that just go through one ear and out the other?! Listen, intern, there's nothing we can do. Get it through your thick skull." he snapped. The intern looked away, then felt his courage build up.

"Sir, we have something from the fires of the horror attraction." he said. The detective's brow lifted, and his eyes widened with interest.

"What did you find?" he asked, suddenly intrigued. 

The intern led the detective to the other end of the hall, where the evidence room was. He opened up a box and pulled out an axe, scratches and chips adorning its blade, the handle charred and burnt. The detective put on rubber gloves, then took the axe in his hand.

"Did you get prints?" he asked. The intern shook his head.

"No. Seems that the fires pretty much burned it away." he replied. The detective held the axe in his hand and stared at it, then looked at the intern.

"I'm heading out. If anyone asks, tell them that I think I might've found a breakthrough." he said. The intern smiled, happy that he rejuvenated the detective's will. The detective placed the axe on a nearby table, threw off the gloves and ran outside to his car. He drove away, hurrying towards the newly opened pizzeria. 

Stopping at the parking lot, he walked up to the door and pounded on it. The night guard lazily walked over to him, scratching his neck.

"Hey, this place is closed." he said.

"I'm with the police department! I want to inspect your building." he called back. The night guard scoffed.

"I don't see a warrant on you." he said. The detective slammed his fists onto the glass door.

"Open up anyway!" he shouted. The night guard just sniffed and stared at him for a few seconds.

"Fine. But don't blame me when my boss sues you." he said. He unlocked the door, allowing the detective inside. The inspector looked around, seeing the animatronics on the stage, their eyes closed as if they were asleep. But of course, animatronics couldn't move at all. He looked for anything that would stand out, but found nothing. Only tables and children's drawings on the wall, the pictures of animatronics showing nothing of importance. He then spotted a door that read "BASEMENT: DO NOT ENTER". He grinned slightly, then looked at the night guard.

"Let me into the basement." he commanded.

"Uh, don't you know how to read? It says that no one can go in there. Even I can't go in there." he said. The detective only scoffed and walked over to the door, twisting the knob. Surprisingly, the knob wasn't locked; it opened freely. 

"Hey, I don't think we should go down there." the night guard muttered. The detective could see what he was talking about. There were metal stairs that winded down into the dark, the only thing that they could see being a flickering light. An uneasy feeling also rested in the air after he opened the door.

"Don't worry. There's nothing to be afraid of." the detective said, almost amused. He took a step, and heard the night guard following him. He chuckled slightly, feeling as if he were being followed by a child. They walked down into the abyss, oblivious that there were pairs of robotic eyes following them. 

They eventually got to the bottom of the stairs, and the inspector looked at the flickering light ahead of him. He stepped into a wooden room, along with strong stench of a burnt object and decay. He looked around the room, then veered to the right when he heard the night guard let out a shriek. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw an animatronic, one that was half charred. But something was worse- its eyes were opened. And its mouth was twisted into a sickening, insane smile. The detective felt fear drop his heart like a marble, and he tried to hold back a scream. Then something horrifying happened. It blinked. 

Screams echoed through out the building that night. No one saw the night guard or the detective ever again, yet the sour feeling of hatred and fear in the air would bring unwanted attention.

The Life Behind an Animatronic II- What He Never Wanted (A FNaF Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now