Chapter 5- Burning Smells

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Once again, screaming children and talking adults were the most obnoxious noises in the building. It's horribly grating when you're stuck inside a cramped closet and have to listen to the inane chatter of the humans. They always talk about useless things in life and they never pay attention to larger details. But I guess I shouldn't be so hard on the human race. They did manage to create us, and they have survived for so long.

I sighed and leaned back, closing my eyes. I hated having to sit and do nothing. Nightmare made us do it too. And thinking of Nightmare, it reminded me of the blood underneath the metal shelf. I leaned down and placed my muzzle underneath it again, inhaling the scent. It still smelled sharp and metallic, but also a little stale. I ran a line down the dried stain with my claw, creating a crack in the red. I held the claw up to my eyes and looked at it, the blood caked around the metal. 

I shook it off and sat up, feeling a bit better and slightly satisfied. I knew it was wrong, but I just couldn't resist. It gave me a comforting feeling.

As I was sitting there and pondering about the scent of fresh blood instead of old, dried stains, I heard footsteps walk up and stop at the door. The doorknob began to turn and my core dropped. The animatronics couldn't be done so soon, could they? As the door opened and light filled the room, I looked up expecting to see a human, but it was instead Spring Bonnie again. 

"What are you doing? Can't the humans see you?" I hissed. He shook his head.

"Not from this point of view. Sorry, but someone was getting too suspicious over here and began to poke around. I had to lead them away. I just wanted to see if they had spotted you." he explained. I stared at him and shook my head.

"No, now continue your job. That light is burning." I complained, raising a hand to shield my eyes from the light. He chuckled softly and began to leave, shutting the door. But I caught a whiff from him. He smelled...familiar. While he was shutting the door, I racked my mind for anything to compare it with. Then I remembered-the blood underneath the shelf. He didn't see my shock and shut the door, leaving me in the dark. Now I definitely had something new to ponder over the course of the day.

As the voices of humans diminished, I was still thinking about what I had realized. Theories were running around inside my head like a bunch of nasty insects, and my claws were softly digging into the ground, creating marks and rifts. 

The door opened and it was Golden Freddy this time, nodding at me.

"You should know the drill by now." he said. I looked up at him, feeling confused. Must I tell him about the scent? Or would that just make me even less trust-worthy, since it seemed kind of odd that I could smell blood while the others could not?

I stood up and followed him into the room, the lights still on. I didn't care about the harshness since my mind was still trying to wrap around everything. Maybe Spring Bonnie wasn't as innocent as I thought he was. 

I grabbed Golden Freddy was we were walking in the halls and placed him against the wall. Shocked, he grunted with effort to try and escape, but since it was in vain, he glared at me.

"Nightmare Freddy! What on earth are you doing?!" he snapped. I looked around, then looked at him.

"I think someone here isn't speaking the truth." I whispered fiercely. He narrowed his eyes.

"What are you saying?" he asked.

"Spring Bonnie came by earlier today. I know this might sound weird, but I could smell blood on him." I growled. His eyes widened but he quickly kept a stable attitude.

The Life Behind an Animatronic II- What He Never Wanted (A FNaF Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now