Chapter 9- In Need of Assistance

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"Where is Plushtrap?! Why haven't you imbeciles found him yet?!" Nightmare roared at his animatronics. Each of them were looking up at him with shame, Foxy's and Bonnie's ears lowered. 

"He's...really good at hiding." Nightmare Chica tried to explain. The huge black bear slammed his fist against the wall, shaking the old house they were in and the making the Nightmares jolt.

"I don't care if he's great at hiding! You all were built for one purpose- hunting! And if you can't do that, then I'll just have to EUTHANIZE you all!" He shouted. 

"We-we'll go look for him right now! Don't worry, Nightmare." Nightmare Bonnie quickly said. Nightmare flexed his claws and huffed, glaring at the three staring at him. 

"Then GO! I have no time to dawdle with you three!" he snarled. The three animatronics just scrambled to leave, and as they ran, Nightmare Fredbear approached Nightmare's side.

"Sir. Should I go and see if I can find Plushtrap myself?" he asked. Nightmare looked at his right hand man. The bear looked eager to please Nightmare and get rid of his leader's temper. The black bear wanted to be alone as well. 

"I think you should. You're the only one I can trust with such an important task." he replied coolly. Nightmare Fredbear nodded and walked away, leaving his leader alone in the dark. Nightmare stared at the ground and closed his eyes, sighing with a shudder in his voice. The room suddenly had an evil feeling in the air, a sour one that made chills run down the black monster's spine. 

"You're losing them, Nightmare." A voice said from the darkness. Nightmare sighed again.

"I...I know. Please, help me. If I lose them all, then how am I going to be able to keep you and myself alive?" he asked. The voice chuckled, its voice a high-pitched mess of metallic twinges and hissing.

"Don't you remember? I gave you the ability to mold, to create. You, by yourself, created your minions." The demonic voice hissed. Nightmare just flicked his ear, enjoying the praise he was receiving.

"But how I am I going to keep them near me? They seem to...distrust me ever since Nightmare Freddy managed to escape." he said. The being was quiet for a minute before he spoke again.

"You need to show them that your authority, Nightmare. You need to show them who created them, who's taught them." The voice explained. Nightmare sighed and shook his head.

"I..." The bear stopped, staring at his claws and sighed again, this time with more grief.

"As if they were my children..." He said. The voice gasped with horror.

"No! You are not one of them anymore! You are a murderer, Nightmare! That is your name, not the one you previously answered to! You answer to me! The Nightmarionne!" The being shrieked. Nightmare didn't even flinch from the puppet's reaction. He just looked down at his hands still and then looked up when he saw Nightmare Fredbear walking back, carrying the little animatronic known as Plushtrap. The pint-sized robot was screaming threats and insults, thrashing around, but the yellow Nightmare bear had a tight grip and didn't let go. When he approached Nightmare, the black monster grinned.

"So you were finally caught, you little rodent." he snickered. Plushtrap looked up at him, anger in his small eyes.

"What information do you wanna rack outta me now?" he snarled. Nightmare chuckled, along with Fredbear. The way little guy acted was ridiculous compared to the two, massive animatronics.

"I wanted to punish you. But before I do that..." Nightmare leaned in close to the small rabbit's face.

"I need you to tell me what you told Nightmare Freddy." He said. Nightmare's voice seemed almost worried, as if he were anxious that the little guy would say something he shouldn't.

The Life Behind an Animatronic II- What He Never Wanted (A FNaF Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now