Chapter 16- It's Too Late

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Our footsteps seemed to be growing smaller and more sluggish as we continued walking, as if we were leaving bits of them behind us with each step. I could hardly keep my eyes open as we trudged through wet grass and mud, the earthy substances clinging to our heels and toes. Walking in it was new to me and felt odd, but I didn't have the strength nor the time to express what the feelings that were fluttering in my dimming mind. 

Springtrap, whenever he started to lag behind, made a short burst of speed which always ended him up wincing and gasping. I could see the wires in his crippled limb broken and the metal distorted, giving the leg a warped look. It'd be lucky if anyone would repair it, and even if they did, it'd take a long time, months perhaps. Nightmare steel was nearly impossible to work with, and only Nightmare was skilled enough to do so. 

Nightmare...ever since we left, his gaze had been solemn with defeat, his voice thick with shame. Springtrap had attempted conversation with him on a few occasions, but Nightmare would almost never reply. Wasn't a problem to Springtrap, though- I knew he just didn't like the silence and didn't care if Nightmare was angry, sad or whatever emotion he harbored. 

We had stayed inside an old shed for the day, the sky grey and melancholy. Nightmare had fallen asleep while Springtrap just kept his ears perked and looked outside for any signs of trouble. However, he constantly had to check on his wounds, as it was obvious that they were bothering him to no extent. It was then I started to talk to him.

"What kind of game are you playing with us?" I had questioned, my voice weak and soft. He slowly turned toward me, his eyes narrowed and his brow lowered.

"Game? Is that what you want to call it?...Well, that's a good question." he grinned in between his sentence. "What do you think I'm playing?" 

I frowned. He knew how to worm his way into minds and cause confusion and inner torment, I understood that, but right now he was focusing on the confusion part. I was thoroughly stuck with his question and didn't know how to answer it. 

"I think you're just trying to confuse and weaken your enemies." I replied, hoping that was the right answer. Springtrap just held his grin.

"Close enough. But there's something you don't get- I'm a bit neutral. I don't like one team and I don't like the other. However, I like one team better than the other. Get it?" he asked. Now I was even more confused.

I had decided to end the conversation there and mull over his words. He was cunning, that was for certain, but he was also thick-headed and stubborn. It made me wonder how he was in life- if he was different than he is now in death, or he was the same. It was something that was lost to time and I'd never know about first-hand.

Once the day had ended, we set off again. I stared down at the mud, watching my foot sink into it and rise again, bits of the earthy goo dropping from it. Rain had been falling for awhile now, and although to some it feels cool and refreshing, to me it felt icy and sharp. Much like Nightmare's claws.

"Nightmare Freddy, tell me, where is the building of the robots you befriended?" the black bear asked. I jolted from the sudden baritone of his voice and looked up at him. His red eyes pierced their way through the gloom, Springtrap's violet ones doing the same.

"Oh, don't tell me we're going to find those idiots? They're just gonna throw us out like dogs onto the wet streets." Springtrap complained. Nightmare ignored his snips and waited for me to answer.

"Not far...we need to get into the city." I mumbled, my sentences short. I could feel a bit of strength returning to me after a rest, but the rain and cold were quickly sapping it away. 

"I see...then we'd best be swift in it. Any attention from humans and more trouble will rise." the black bear said. He began to quicken his pace, and since I was hanging onto him for support, I had to also. Poor Springtrap was muttering curses under his breath toward Nightmare, swearing at him for exerting more than he could usually handle. 

The Life Behind an Animatronic II- What He Never Wanted (A FNaF Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now