Chapter 12- What Have You Done?

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"How dare you lay a finger on Nightmare, when you yourself are the true enemy?" the black, spindly robot asked. I just stood there in pure horror, wondering to myself where this monster came from and how come he treated us like he knew us.

The Nightmarionne looked at the black bear, and studied the pipe. He grabbed it and pulled it out, Nightmare sighing with relief.

The grotesque puppet moved it around in his hands, peering into its hollow mass. He chuckled as he held it out for me to see.

"This is iron. An old thing to be in a place like this. Iron can weaken a ghost, but not destroy them. You got lucky just this once, Nightmare Freddy." he said. He threw the pipe away and helped Nightmare up, the bear seemingly recovered fully from his injury, even though there was a gaping, perfectly circular hole in his chest.

"I came to see if you're really how Nightmare describes you. A 'no good rogue', he called you. Rude, isn't it? You have much more potential than how this bear sees you." He said, helping Nightmare up. The black bear just glared at me. I was confused. Who was this puppet? And why did he call Nightmare a ghost? Was there something more to the bear than I knew?

"You seem shocked to see me, Nightmare Freddy. But there's no need to be afraid. I won't kill you." The Nightmarionne cooed. I just stood there still, frozen in fear and shock. Whatever this monster was and what it was doing here, I didn't want any part of it. Nightmare Springtrap let out a sinister chuckle as I took a step back, and he shoved me forward, further than how I originally was. I was too close for comfort to the two black beings, and I backed up a ways.

"You can come back home if you'd like. Back home...and we'd welcome you as if you were family." the puppet explained. Nightmare looked up at the Nightmarionne in a bit of protest, but silenced himself and stared at his claws.

"You can be my most important Nightmare Animatronic. You can be the strongest, most intimidating of them all." the puppet added. For some reason, he seemed intent on having me back. What good was I to him? I was a traitor to the animatronics, and all of them had their hearts set on destroying me. Even Nightmare seemed aghast by this proposition, as his eyes widened and veered towards the Nightmarionne.

"But...are you sure? He is a traitor, a defect amongst his kind. He'd most likely bring nothing but trouble if we take him back, and if we give him such might hurt us, Nightmarionne." he protested. The puppet held up his hand to calm him.

"I understand your worries, Nightmare, and yes, I have considered that. But when he finds out how important he is to me, then maybe his mind will change." he responded. I was confused. Why was I important to this...thing? And why did he speak as if I wasn't there?

"But...but we had a deal! We had a deal, Nightmarionne, and if he becomes the leader, then our deal will become nothing!" Nightmare shouted. The Nightmarionne stared at his long, spider-like fingers, then looked at Nightmare.

"I lied about that deal. You can never see them again, as you cannot move on, just like the rest of the ghosts here. Spirits cannot move on after tragic events unless they rid themselves of the burden of knowing that their murderer is alive, and that's the issue here." He leaned down towards Nightmare's face, a taunting grin on his own.

"I murdered you, and I can never die. So as long as I exist, you're going to be on Earth forever, not being able to see your pathetic life ever again. This is you now. You are Nightmare for the rest of eternity." he hissed, humor in his tone. Nightmare's eyes widened and his ears lowered, and he crumpled to his knees. I was really confused now. Nightmare was a ghost, and that meant that he was...human before. But what did the Nightmarionne promise him that he took away? 

The Life Behind an Animatronic II- What He Never Wanted (A FNaF Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now