Chapter 7- Punishment

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"Nightmare Freddy, calm down! We're trying to help you, not hurt you!" Golden Freddy exclaimed to me as I was writhing in pain on the table. Spring Bonnie grunted with effort as he began trying to fix objects inside of me.

"You need to hold still!" Golden Freddy yelled. He tried to place his hand on my neck to restrain me, but I quickly broke his grip. 

"I wish he had spring locks like you!" the golden bear scolded at Spring Bonnie. The rabbit animatronic was too busy trying to hold my feet down to notice.

"I thought he'd be weaker from the pain." Freddy muttered. 

"Obviously, he's still got a lot of strength left." his golden counterpart replied. I closed my eyes, my teeth clenched together. My claws scraped against the table, making rifts in the wood. 

"I see what's wrong now." Spring Bonnie said. He dug deeper into my body, making me writhe in even more pain. 

The golden bear peered into where Spring Bonnie had parted the edges of my suit. His dark eyes narrowed, and he reached his hand into the crack. A few clicks here and there, and the pain subsided. I stopped swatting and clawing, and my face began to relax. 

"Whatever you fixed, it obviously helped."  The rabbit animatronic said. Golden Freddy breathed a sigh of relief, and I just looked at the three back and forth.

After a few more minutes of a few touch-ups and tuning, they stapled my suit together, leaving me with scars that were held together by little scraps of metal. I sat up, rubbing my fingers along the wounds.

"Thank you." I said. Golden Freddy smiled at me.

"No problem, Nightmare Freddy. We were indebted to you." he replied. I looked at the other two, and they nodded in unison. I somehow didn't believe that. Their expressions seemed angry, as if I had done something wrong. Which I did. 

"But...I was the one who allowed Nightmare here. You're not going to do anything about that?" I asked. The golden bear shook his head.

"It's not your fault. But I certainly wouldn't want to see that huge, black monster anytime soon." he said. I looked at him, the memory of the Nightmare Animatronics ripping me open fresh in my mind. He saw that I was still traumatized by what had just happened, and he quickly looked away.

"Nightmare Freddy, why were you in here when your other 'friends' came?" Spring Bonnie suddenly asked. I looked up at him, searching for an excuse to use. But then Golden Freddy became intrigued as well. 

"Yes, what were you doing in here? You obviously would've heard them come and reacted, but you stayed in there." He asked as well. I looked around, once again searching for an excuse as to why I was there. I could say that I had been talking to the most horrendous thing I had ever laid eyes on, or I could come up with a futile excuse that they could see through. It's extremely hard to lie when you've been taught your entire life to be forced to tell the truth to a giant, demonic bear. I sighed, and rubbed my hand on the back of my head. 

"I...I was speaking with a robot named Springtrap." I replied. Golden Freddy's eyes widened with horror, but Spring Bonnie's eyes narrowed with suspicion. It was as if he knew what he and I had spoken about. Freddy took one look at the situation and immediately left the room.

"You were talking to Springtrap, Nightmare Freddy?! No, no don't ever do that again!" Golden Freddy snarled. I had never seen him get like this before.  His brows were lowered yet there was still fear in them. Spring Bonnie took a step forward, getting in front of Golden Freddy.

"What did he tell you?" he asked. I was confused as to why this was a big deal. Yes, Springtrap was a horrifying monster that should've burned forever, but he could hardly move. That meant that he wasn't much of a danger to the others.

The Life Behind an Animatronic II- What He Never Wanted (A FNaF Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now