Intro/Chapter 1

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I remember everything.

Even though it's been about 8 months since this all started, I remember every single detail of that first day as if it were just yesterday.

We were already two and a half weeks into the school year when Dean Meyers made the announcement that our history teacher, Ms. Dwight, decided to take the rest of the year off due to her on and off health problems. A low murmur spread across the classroom as everyone wondered what would be done about getting a new teacher on such short notice.

"Not to worry, we've already found you a new teacher. He'll be starting tomorrow," Dean Meyers said.

The next day, she was already waiting in the classroom with the new teacher when we arrived.

"Students, I'd like to introduce you to your new teacher, Mr. Neverson. He'll be replacing Ms. Dwight while she is on her leave of absence and I expect that you will treat him with the utmost respect."

Once she was gone, he finally spoke.

" yeah. I'm really looking forward to teaching you guys and hopefully we can have a productive and educational year."

He was beautiful. Probably mid-twenties, caramel complexion, a small goatee on his chin, and muscular arms with tattoos visible. I watched as the girls all began fluffing their hair and the guys tried to appear bigger in their desks, clearly intimidated. Something told me that Mr. Neverson wasn't going to have a hard time adjusting to us.


The first three weeks went by pretty quickly. Mr. Neverson seemed to get along with pretty much everyone in the class...except for me. I was generally a good student who never had a problem with any of the teachers, but he and I just didn't agree on ANYTHING. We always had opposing opinions on whatever we discussed in class that day. I went home everyday and complained to my mother about how narrow-minded I thought Mr. Neverson was.

"He's a pinhead mom. I mean, how can you say that the Trayvon Martin case had absolutely nothing to do with race? I'm not saying it was completely about race, but there's no denying that George Zimmerman following Trayvon was a result of racial profiling. I miss Ms. Dwight."

"Just give it some time. I'm sure you'll find some common ground on something," my mother assured me.

Boy was she right...

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