Chapter 5

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I got out of my car and was staring at the building I was told to come to. I hoped I was ready for this. I walked slowly up the stairs and entered a lobby-looking area. I went up to the receptionist desk.

"Yes? Can I help you?" The lady asked. She sounded like the women I talked to on the phone.

"Yeah I'm here for an interview with Lou Teasdale. She looked back on her computer. "Violet Rivers?" She asked.

"Yup that's me!" I said with an award winning smile. She gave me a weak smile back.

"You're early" she said looking at me up and down.

"Yeah I like to be early, you know, leave a good impression."

"I'll let Ms. Teasdale know you're here" the lady said.

She clicked on a little button thing and said "Ms. Teasdale, your 2 o'clock appointment is here"

"Great!" A chirpy voice said on the other side, "give me two seconds before you send her up! Oh and I thought I told you to stop calling me Ms. Teasdale! Just call me Lou" I like her already, I thought to myself. She seems nice and easygoing, just what I need.

"No problem and sorry Ms.- I mean Lou, I'll work on it" she said again before turning to me, "you can go wait on the couch over there, I'll let you know when Ms.Teasdale is ready for you"

I walked to the couch, suddenly nervous. What if she's mean? Wait no she definitely didn't seem mean over the speaker thingy. I wonder if she's old... I should have googled her before I came here! Well she can't be that old, no old person has a voice that perky. What kind of questions is she going to ask me? What if I don't have the answers to them?! What if she hates me? What if she thinks I'm a slut? Oh no... Suddenly I don't feel so up to this..

"Ms. Rivers?" She receptionist lady said pulling me out of my trance.

"Yes?" I said snapping my head up.

"Ms. Teasdale will see you now" she said pointing to the elevator, "she's on the 23rd floor"

I nodded and walked over to the elevator. I waited for it to open, realizing that this is my chance to get an actual job. One that I can support myself with. The thought made me happy yet uneasy at the same time. I stepped into the elevator and clicked the button for the 23rd floor. I watched as the floor number slowly increased as if it was teasing me. Finally I heard a ding, I was on the 23rd floor.

The elevator opened leading to a floor with different doors. Which one was I supposed to go into? Then I realized that the doors had names on them. I walked passed a few doors before I saw 'Lou Teasdale, Stylist Of One Direction' printed on the door to my right. I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door, waiting for an answer.

"Come in!" The perky voice said from the other side of the door. I slowly opened the door and shut it behind me. Behind a neatly organized desk was a very pretty girl that didn't look much older than me, maybe just a couple years. She had nice wavy blonde hair and was dressed in black skinny jeans and a designer white shirt.

"Hello! You must be Violet!" She said standing up and walking over to me, "I LOVE your dress!" She said as she pulled me in for a short hug.

"Thank you! I love your shirt!" I said trying to be polite. She flashed me a million dollar smile and walked back to her desk.

"Take a seat on the couch, make yourself comfortable!" She said motioning to a pretty white couch across from her desk. I walked over and sat down lady-like. "Would you like some tea? I'm making myself some anyway."

"Uhhh yea sure! That'd be great, thank you." I said trying to make her like me.

"Okay I can see you're trying too hard. Please just think of me as a friend. I'm not going to go hard on you. And by just looking at you I know you're the most promising person for this job so far" she said handing me a cup of tea and sitting next to me on the couch.

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