Chapter 3

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*Violet's POV*

I was sitting in a random coffee shop looking for an internship like I promised. There were a few internships open, so I wrote them all down to see if Jade or Jasmine knew any of them. They knew everything when it came to celebrities and stylists and things of that nature. I continued flipping through numerous web pages and ads seeing if there was anything better that caught my eye.

I took a sip of my caramel mocha latte, and scrolled for hours. Then, I saw a very pretty looking ad for an open position of an assistant to a stylist named Lou Teasdale. An assistant! I thought. That was waaaayyyy better than being an unpaid intern. I looked at the pay and heard myself gasp. It was enough money to pay the bill and MORE! I wouldn't even need help from the girls! I wrote down her name and starred it.

Then suddenly there was a knock on my table. I looked up to see an attractive boy about my age, maybe a year older. He had blonde hair that was spiked in the front, and gray eyes.

"Can I help you?" I asked looking at him as if he was an alien.

"Yea you can help me to some coffee" he said with a grin.

"Oh sorry, I don't work here" I said

He laughed, "I know, but a pretty girl like you shouldn't be sitting here alone. Unprotected and so alooonneee" he said dragging out the last word. I thought it was funny that he repeated alone twice. And then suddenly I felt anger boil through me.

"I can take care of myself, thanks" I said gathering my stuff, "and sorry I was just about to leave"

It was obvious he didn't get turned down much. "Well then maybe some other time sweetie" he said checking me out.

"I don't think so, I have a boyfriend" I lied. I haven't had a boyfriend since I was in New York. I was just about to walk away when I felt an arm grab me and turn me around.

"What the boyfriend doesn't know won't hurt him" He asked dangerously close to me.

I shook him off and said, "it's not happening, get over yourself." Something passed through his face, but he quickly hid it. "I'm Anthony, and you?" He asked pulling me closer again.

"Violet" I said stepping back again.

"Well it was nice meeting you Violet, we WILL meet again" he said smiling. I simply turned around without saying a word, and walked out of the coffee shop.

We're all guys like this? I know a lot of them are. Every boyfriend I've ever had, had always cheated on me or broken my heart. Especially after my dad started assaulting me and abusing me, I've never been able to trust a male figure. Wherever I went, there was always a guy that started hitting on me, and I've met a few guys that I would like to take a chance with, but my dad has made it so bad, that I can't even stand next to a man without flinching or putting my hand in my bag ready to spray them with mace, and I will never forgive him with that.

I know sometimes I might be overreacting but there's part of me that's always going to be living in a dark corner never trusting a boy. And I knew that not all guys would be like the guy in the coffee shop, or like my dad, but it's like I've been brainwashed to not trust any of them. Without realizing it, I had arrive home.

I sighed before continuing to walk to the entrance doors to the apartment. As I entered my room I saw Jade and Jasmine watching some foreign movie. "Hey Vi" Jazz said not looking up from the TV. My heart pained as she called me by the nickname my little brother called me. God I missed him. All I wanted was to hug him again and apologize for leaving him with that monster. But I pushed my tears back.

"Hey Jazz. Hey Jade" I said before grabbing a cookie from Jade'a hand. "Hey Vi" Jade said before angrily taking the cookie back from me. I plopped next to them before realizing they were watching Slumdog Millionare which was probably my favorite foreign movie.

"So guys I was at this coffee shop looking for an open internship position and I think I found something better" I said suddenly excited.

Their eyes snapped toward me, "what'd you find?" Jazz asked.

"We'll I found a whole bunch of different internships to random stylists but then I saw an ad offering a job as a paid assistant to this stylist!"

"What's the stylist's name?" Jade asked.

"Her name is Lou Teasdale. Do you know her?" I said looking up from the paper where I wrote her name.

Both Jazz's and Jade's eyes were bugging out of their heads, and their mouths were wide open.

"What?" I said extremely confused.

"THAT'S ONE DIRECTION'S STYLIST!!!!" Jasmine exclaimed.


"PLEASE tell me you know who One Direction is" Jade said with her eyes still wide open.

"Of course I do! They're like the biggest boyband in the world right now" I said with a 'duh' face on.

"Then why are you not FREAKING OUT and halfway to the phone to make an appointment with her?!?!" Jasmine said shaking me.

"Because I'm not crazy about them like you two are" I said laughing.

"You are GETTING THAT JOB!" Jade said, "you would be perfect in the way that you aren't crazy for the boys!"

"I'll consider it" I said wishing to throw them crazy for a few more minutes.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'LL CONSIDER IT?!?!" They exclaimed in unison.

"Okay okay I'll call and make an appointment" I said still laughing.

I got up and took the phone off it's charger. I dialed the number on the ad and listened to it ring. Jade and Jazz were staring at me with wide eyes.

"Hello how may I help you?" I heard a woman speak on the other end of the phone.

"Hi I got this number off an ad" I said hoping I got the right number.

"Yes are you interested in the assistant job for Lou Teasdale?" She asked

"Yes I am"

"Okay well you will have to fill out a form online on her website, and then come in for an interview, would you like to make an appointment for the interview now?"

"Sure that'd be great"

"How is tomorrow at 2:00pm for you?"

"That sounds perfect! I'll be there" I said with a smile as I hung up the phone. Jazz and Jade were dancing and celebrating. I brought them into a hug.

"I call dibs on Harry!" Jazz said

I rolled my eyes, all I was concerned about was getting the job.


Hey guys please VOTE COMMENT AND FAN(if you want) but please give me feedback and let me know how I'm doing, I know it's going slow and all but it shall get better! PLEASE TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND YOUR FRIEND'S FRIENDS AND YOUR FAMILY ABOUT MY FANFIC! Please:)

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